Walton Education Foundation

The goal of the grant money would go to purchasing 10 new monocular microscopes.

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Mass Microscopes

grant photo
Freeport High School 
STEM Education 
Amy Powers-Baker 
Ted Missildine 
Students Impacted:
September 13, 2021


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


The St. Joe Community Foundation - $1,500.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 150

Thank you so much for your generosity and providing my students with the opportunity to learn Biology using microscoples.  By adding these to our classroom, students had more time to explore and I was able to show my students more organisms because we had more micrscopes. In previous years, my students really struggled with cellular concepts, especially Kingdom Protista.  Now, I feel as though they are professionals at Kingdom Protista because they have been able to explore so much. Thank you again for your generosity. 


Original Grant Overview


The goal of the grant money would go to purchasing 10 new monocular microscopes.  


What will be done with my students

Science students in all science classes could have the advantage of observing living things and microscopic specimens to make inferences about the scientific world. The microscopes will be used in Biology, Environmental Science, Agriculture, Chemistry, etc. Specimens include tissue, pond water, hair, owl pellets, graphite, etc.  


Benefits to my students

Visual and kinesthetic learning strategies are of the strongest categories that students engage in as technology increases. These microscopes would allow students to get a chance at hands on learning as well as visual so that their chances of retention of knowledge would increase.  


Budget Narrative

Nine monocular microscopes at 150 each for a total of $1,350.00, with a required 5% Walton Education Foundation admin fee would total $67.50 for a grand total of $1,417.50. 



# Item Cost
1 9 monocular compound light microscope $1,500.00
  Total: $1,417.50


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
