Goal: Our goal is to expand the knowledge of the growing process for second graders through this project based activity. We will be using organic materials in order for students to foster a deeper appreciation for the environment and the need to be responsible for the Earth. Students will experience the life cycle of various plants.

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Golden Greenies

Golden Terrace Elementary  
Elizabeth Kepp 
Joyce cordell 
Students Impacted:
August 22, 2017


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Perna-Rose Foundation fo Hope - $335.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 300

The impact of our schools garden was astonishing. Not only were my students in my classroom excited about it, all students who pasted by were aware of the wonderful things happening in the garden. Many classes would wander through the garden to see what was going on. Younger students would tell their teacher that they wanted to be in my class so they could take care of the garden. My students loved walking around the garden and being able to pick a cherry tomatoe and pop it in their mouths. We enjoyed many salads and just plain broccoli on a regular basis. I believe that appreciated their vegetables more knowing that they planted, watered, grew and picked them themselves. One day we were in the garden and the students noticed more bees than normal, I pointed out to them where they were going, inside the flowers of the cucumbers, they were amazed and wanted to stay longer just to watch. It was a learning experience I don't think they will ever forget. Thank you for your continuous support.


Elizabeth Kepp

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Original Grant Overview


Goal: Our goal is to expand the knowledge of the growing process for second graders through this project based activity. We will be using organic materials in order for students to foster a deeper appreciation for the environment and the need to be responsible for the Earth. Students will experience the life cycle of various plants. 


What will be done with my students

My students last year had a wonderful experience with the planning and planting of vegetables We ate numerous salads with our own vegetables. The students were in charge of the planting and the watering, which in turn taught them responsibility. They were always engaged when we visited the garden. I will guide my students in the process of the planting. The students will study the properties of water, light, soil, and nutrition. Not only will this process meet the Science standards, but will integrate into Math with the measuring of water needed for the plants. Students will also be writing in journals about the changes that occur with their plants daily. I would like to take them to the Botanical Gardens to explore gardens around the world.  


Benefits to my students

First, the students will investigate a variety of plants and seeds in order to evaluate which would grow better for certain seasons in Florida. The students will experience the hands on project of planting their seeds in the Earth Boxes. They will also study the properties of water, light, soil, and nutrition throughout the growing season. Students will gain knowledge in the life cycles of plants which is a second grade standard in Science. Another standard they will be able to recognize is the interaction and interdependence of plants and insects. They will also learn how to collect data and record their results in a journal. Students gain awareness of the nutritional value of the vegetables they grow. It is amazing the variety of vegetables the students will eat because they grew them their selves. 


Budget Narrative

I have added a bus to my grant for a field trip to Botanical Gardens. Admission is free for Title 1 schools. It is a wonderful field trip and an opportunity for students to learn about plants that are native to Florida and other areas. 



# Item Cost
1 Soil for replanting $50.00
2 Organic plants, tomatoes, green peppers, green beans, broccoli, romain lettuce $50.00
3 organic sprays and fertilizer $50.00
4 bug netting $25.00
5 bus for field trip $110.00
6 plates and forks for salads $20.00
7 dressings for salad $10.00
8 Pruning equipment $20.00
  Total: $335.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union