The kindergarten, pre-k and special needs students in grades K through 3 will be provided the opportunity to learn basic coding skills, team work, communication and critical thinking skills while utilizing a Code-A-Pillar robot in technology class and in their classroom.

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Intro to Coding for Kinder & Special Needs Students

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Manatee Elementary 
Jennifer Hardy 
Andrea Smith 
Students Impacted:
August 4, 2018


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


WINGS - $333.81


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 99

Wow! My kindergarten students had a great learning experience in utilizing Code-A-Pillar.  The students had to utilize many skills to complete the tasks set before them with Code-A-Pillar.  The students worked in teams which required communication, critical thinking and team work. The first task the students were given was to add links to the Code-A-Pillar in such a way that the device followed a path taped on the floor.   I had 9 different paths for the Code-A-Pillar to follow, so they were always engaged in solving the pathway problem. 


As I wanted to integrate a literacy component into the Code-A-Pillar activities, I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to the students.  The students now had to have the Code-A-Pillar collect the “paper fruit” in the correct order as the caterpillar did in the story.   This was a fun activity integrating story sequencing with sequencing in coding.  


This activity allowed the students to understand the importance of the correct sequence of directions when giving directions.  After completing these activities, the students were introduced to the Hour of Code.  The Hour of code requires students to solve mazes on a computer screen by placing arrows in the correct sequence.  This year the students understood this concept quicker.  I believe this was due to the hands on physical activity with Code-A-Pillar. 


My classroom was impacted in such a positive manner due the funding of the project, I believe the students began to develop stronger communication and team working skills.  In addition, they were more successful in solving maze coding problems on the computer due to their hands on activity.   I know my future students will gain the same skills when they utilize Code-A-Pillar.

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All Eyes on Code-A-Pillar

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Challenge 1: Following the Blue Line


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Can the very hungry Code-A-Pillar eat the fruit in

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Code-A-Pillar sequencing time


Original Grant Overview


The kindergarten, pre-k and special needs students in grades K through 3 will be provided the opportunity to learn basic coding skills, team work, communication and critical thinking skills while utilizing a Code-A-Pillar robot in technology class and in their classroom. 


What will be done with my students

The students will be introduced to Code-A-Pillar through the book The Very Hungry Catepillar by Eric Carle, during technology class. The students will be shown how to create codes with the Code-A-Pillar and be provided with a path their code-a-pillar must follow. Students will work in teams to develop their communication and team working skills. After students have developed an understanding of coding, the Code-A-Pillar will be placed in the student's classroom for further coding practice with their classroom teacher. 


Benefits to my students

Students will understand the concept of sequence when creating a code, this can be correlated to the sequence of events in a story. Students will be developing their communication, team working, and critical thinking skills. 


Budget Narrative

Currently we have 6 kindergarten classrooms at Manatee, 1 Pre-K and 2 special need classrooms. Each classroom will be provided with a Code-A-Pillar after instruction is provided in technology class. 



# Item Cost
1 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
2 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
3 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
4 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
5 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
6 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
7 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
8 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
9 Fisher-Price DKT39 Code-a-Pillar $34.99
10 Sales Tax $18.90
  Total: $333.81


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union