I would like to be able to provide my Foundations of Robotics students access to additional robotics parts that will allow them to be able to design projects with excellence and innovation because every cog in the wheel is important!

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Excellence and Innovation in Every Build

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Oakridge Middle 
Kari Doucette 
Students Impacted:
September 11, 2018


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Florida License for Learning License Plate Fund - $1,114.36


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 150

Receiving the Champions for Learning Grant this year for Robotics has been so beneficial to my students since we were able to purchase additional equipment that they could use in their robotics builds.  After learning how to build all of the different mechanisms individually, the students began designing and building projects.  The first builds they had to design was a windmill that could grind grain and a pull toy for a child.  After those builds the students learned how to code and use different sensors so they could automate their builds.  Some of the builds included a spinning sign, a robot drag race car, a traffic light, a toll booth and a chair that could take grandma up the stairs.  Having enough equipment due to being able to purchase more with the grant allowed all of the groups the freedom to design without running out of supplies.  One of the periods even used their spinning signs to advertise for the Lemonade Stand that the Special Education class set up outside of their room.  Another benefit from receiving new equipment was that the team that went to the CCPS STEAM competition this year had brand new equipment to use for their Road Race car.  Having new motors, motor controllers and straight drive shafts were essential in their design for speed and precision.  Check out the awesome year we have had building with our additional equipment funded by this grant on Twitter- https://twitter.com/OMSroboticsCCPS .  Thank you! 

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Windmill build- the first build with the VEX Robot

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Pull toy on wheels- such creative ideas for toys!


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Spinning sign for the Lemonade Stand

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Robot Drag Race chair- this winning team went to t


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Tollbooth build- this team made a custom tollbooth

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Grandma's Chair- had to be able to move Grandma up


Original Grant Overview


I would like to be able to provide my Foundations of Robotics students access to additional robotics parts that will allow them to be able to design projects with excellence and innovation because every cog in the wheel is important! 


What will be done with my students

Throughout the year, students across all 5 of my Robotics classes (150 students) are building robotics projects identified in the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) curriculum using the VEX Robotics platform. There are some VEX pieces that the students use in their builds that are in use more than other parts or may break easier and need to be replaced. The students in my classes last year made a list of additional parts that they felt should be purchased in order to engineer their innovative builds with excellence. 


Benefits to my students

In Foundations of Robotics, students are introduced to engineering design principals by building with VEX and coding with RobotC programming language to design, build and test real-world objects that provide a solution to a problem. Students will develop essential skills including problem solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and perseverance. Having access to all of the necessary VEX parts without running out across all of my classes will allow the students to implement their designs completely and effectively.
Check out https://twitter.com/OMSroboticsCCPS to see what some of the projects are that the students design and build throughout the year.  


Budget Narrative

All VEX parts will be purchased at https://www.vexrobotics.com to be used in the building of Robotics projects as identified in the PLTW curriculum. 



# Item Cost
1 angel gussets $74.90
2 small brackets $99.90
3 large brackets $99.90
4 drive shafts 2" x 3" $54.90
5 drive shafts 12" $89.60
6 lock collars- rubber $59.90
7 set screws $24.95
8 hex keys $105.00
9 motor controllers $199.80
10 universal joints $59.94
11 lock collars $79.90
12 2-wire motor 393 $149.90
13 shipping / handling $15.77
  Total: $1,114.36


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union