My goal is to provide my students with reusable bags for their nightly homework reading bags instead of using single-use plastic Ziploc bags.

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One Less Plastic Bag

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Golden Terrace Elementary  
Language Arts 
Erin Delgado 
Students Impacted:
July 5, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Michael Schroeder - $198.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 32

With these reading bags I was able to give my students a new and improved way to take home their reading books. These clothes bags gave our classroom the chance to put the single use plastic bags away. We used to use one gallon ziplock bags for our books and sight words. Every week I would have to replace all 16 of them due to dirt, holes, and wear and tear. The new reusable reading bags have been great! I was able to collect them every quarter and run them through the wash to disinfect them and they never needed to be replaced! The students loved picking out their own colors and bringing them home every night. It make it so easy for the students to be able to keep everything in one place. They could fit their folder, reading books, reading logs, and sight words all in one bag! The bags also saved on the amount of books we would misplace in the past. After giving the bags to my class I had enough to share with the class next door! Thank you for these amazing bags and helping us reduce the amount of plastic we are putting out in the world. With the extra money I was able to buy educational games for our centers in class. 


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Original Grant Overview


My goal is to provide my students with reusable bags for their nightly homework reading bags instead of using single-use plastic Ziploc bags.  


What will be done with my students

Kindergarten is where reading really begins. Each student takes home books nightly to practice and gain their reading skills. Currently, we use gallon sized Ziplock bags to store our books, reading logs, and sight words. By providing the students with reusable bags their books, reading logs, and sight words will be protected from the daily wear and tear of the life of a kindergartener.  


Benefits to my students

Living on the coast in Naples I try and teach my students about keeping our oceans clean. This would be a great example of how we can use less plastic and begin to use reusable bags. Also, these bags will teach the students the importance of being responsible for their own property. Kindergarten is a great place to begin to learn about responsibilities and being environmentally friendly.  


Budget Narrative

I will purchase these bags through 



# Item Cost
1 Medium Book Pouches - Black With Neon Trim - Set Of 36 $198.00
  Total: $198.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union