The goal for students is to have them be motivated to display positive classroom behavior while making proper choices.

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Clip into Positive Behavior!

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Character Education 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
July 10, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Lisa Gruenloh - $94.48


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 18

Our school is a positive behavior school, in which positive behaviors are pointed out and rewarded. These designer clothespins are part of my positive behavior system in the classroom. At the end of a day, if students were able to receive a certain color on the positive behavior chart, they were awarded with a jewel on their plain clothespins. After a certain amount of jewels were earned, students were able to trade in their plain clothespins with one of the designer clothespin, and then the process would be repeated. Students would love to receive the designer clothespins and I was able to see positive behaviors increase. **Note: I was not able to take pictures of this, but once back into the classroom, I can take pictures of the students clothespins that were earned, compared to clothespins that did not earn a designer one. 


Original Grant Overview


The goal for students is to have them be motivated to display positive classroom behavior while making proper choices.  


What will be done with my students

In our school, positive behavior choices are promoted, supported, and rewarded. These specialized clothespins are a reward system based on a set amount of days that positive classroom behavior has been displayed. Since using this positive behavior program, during the past 3 years, I have not had to write one office referral due to a lack of proper choices.  


Benefits to my students

This program will benefit 23 students. It has been found to be a successful program that promotes positive behavior, and helps to eliminate negative behavior. Students learn proper choices by watching others. Seeing positive behavior rewarded eliminates much of the negative behavior that might happen. Receiving a small reward that is constantly viewed and applauded helps others to focus on their behavior so that they might have the same outcome.  


Budget Narrative

The budget is to fund 12 different sets of clothespins. This will motivate the students due to the multitude of choices. This budget is including the cost of the 12 different sets and shipping costs, for a total of $94.48. 



# Item Cost
1 5 Cutie pie clothespins $5.20
2 6-pack of feather clothespins $8.41
3 8 princess clothespins $6.95
4 4 beach bears clothespins $6.99
5 4 mermaid clothespins $6.99
6 3 sports clothespins $5.00
7 5 dinosaur clothespins $6.99
8 6 animal clothespins $7.99
9 5 monster clothespins $6.99
10 4 Spanish clothespins $4.99
11 5 emoji clothespins $6.99
12 8 unicorn clothespins $8.99
13 shipping $12.00
  Total: $94.48


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union