My goal is to provide students with the opportunity to integrate coding and music utilizing a Dash robot with a xylophone. This process will allow the students to experience the joy of creating their own music utilizing technology leading the students to a world of creativity.

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Technology & Music Oh My!

Manatee Elementary 
Jennifer Hardy 
Lisa Braren 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 14, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Perna-Rose Foundation - $336.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 377

This year my students not only programmed a Dash robot to blink, move, spin, and talk but also to play simple songs on the Xylphone attachment.  The students loved exploring music in technology class.   I provided the students with color coded music designed for a xylophone, the students were familiar with the songs.   Typically in every class a group of students begged to go see our music teacher to demonstrate what they had done in technology class, I love it when students are proud of their accomplishments and want to share with the resident expert, Mrs. Braren.   


A few outcomes occured that I had not expected as far as "Box design" the students had to discover how to open the xylophone box without destroying it, this may sound simple but the younger students struggled with this engineering task the first few times.  They also had to put everything away and seal up this unique box.  It was fun to see students groups helping each other using their kind and caring words.


Unfortunately I was not able to share my robots with the music teacher this year due to the pandemic, next year we plan to work together with the Dash robots and the Xylophones to expand our programming and musical abilities.

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We can do this, Teamwork is the best.

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Assembly required


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A little practice for Mrs. Hardy (https://twitter.


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Time to focus and succeed


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3rd Grade students beaming with pride as Dash play

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Student pride and happiness with Dash


Original Grant Overview


My goal is to provide students with the opportunity to integrate coding and music utilizing a Dash robot with a xylophone. This process will allow the students to experience the joy of creating their own music utilizing technology leading the students to a world of creativity. 


What will be done with my students

My students will learn how to utilize block coding to program a Dash robot to complete a variety of movement tasks involving lighting up, looking, making sounds and movement The students will then move onto attaching a xylophone to Dash and learn basic programming while in technology lab. The students will then utilize Dash and the Xylophone in music class where they will be able to program specific songs and create their own songs under the guidance of our music teacher, Mrs. Braren. During the course of their learning exploration, the students will work in small groups to meet the challenges placed before them in the coding and musical world. 


Benefits to my students

Throughout this learning exploration, my students will improve their critical thinking skills, communication skills and team working skills, all of which are vital in our ever-changing world. This activity will allow students to expand their knowledge of coding, music and math. Students will begin to understand that all topics integrate in the world; knowledge from one topic can help solve problems with another. 


Budget Narrative

A total of 8 xylophone attachments will allow the students to work in groups of 3 or less allowing for more hands on time for each student. Cost per student is approximately:$1.12 This item will be reused for many years in the future. 



# Item Cost
1 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
2 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
3 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
4 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
5 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
6 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
7 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
8 Wonder Workshop Xylophone for Dash Robot $42.00
  Total: $336.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union