For our students to be college and career ready, they need to acquire 21st century learning skills including critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication to be a successful lifelong learner. My Entrepreneurship and Design & Modeling Engineering classes are project-based learning curriculums where students can gain all of these skills! I would like to provide my students with continued access to the 3D printer since it allows them to design and create as well as collaborate and communicate with their teammates. NNMS already has three 3D printers, but we need some additional parts/tools along with filament to be able to continue 3D printing and a mobile 3D printer stand and storage unit to house the printers and supplies.

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Imaginationeering with 3D Printing

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North Naples Middle 
Kari Doucette 
Students Impacted:
August 6, 2021


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Suncoast Credit Union - $786.84


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 100

Students in my Entrepreneurship classes had the 3D printer available if their teams wanted to create a product that could be 3D printed.  I had 2 entrepreneurship teams that designed and 3D printed their products to sell.  One team designed a cup holder for water bottles that could attach to classroom desks or tables (Anti-Spill) and another team designed a toothpaste squeezer (EZ Squeezy).  Both teams were very successful and sold out of their products at the school Marketplace Day!

Students in the Design and Modeling classes designed a 5-piece puzzle cube.  They started with plastic linking cubes to build the individual pieces.  Then they modeled each piece with wooden cubes which they colored.  Using Tinkercad (CAD software), they created each piece so that they could be 3D printed.  While the students were waiting for the puzzle pieces to all be 3D printed (about 4 hours print time for each puzzle), they made stop motion videos of their puzzle solutions.  After the puzzles were all 3D printed, we invited the students from the Business Education class to come to our classroom and put the puzzles together while they were timed so we could see which puzzles were the hardest. You can view a video of the students putting the 3D printed puzzles together here:  The students were able to graph their puzzle data using a box and whiskers graph to incorporate math.  The students really enjoyed the entire process of designing the puzzle cubes from start to finish since it integrated problem solving, technology, engineering, math, and art!

Thank you to Suncoast Credit Union for funding this grant for the 3D printer supplies for my students to have these amazing experiences!!

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Puzzle cubes wooden and 3D printed

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Wooden puzzle pieces


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Designing puzzle pieces in Tinkercad

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Filming stop motion video


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3D printed puzzle pieces

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Putting puzzles together


Original Grant Overview


For our students to be college and career ready, they need to acquire 21st century learning skills including critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication to be a successful lifelong learner. My Entrepreneurship and Design & Modeling Engineering classes are project-based learning curriculums where students can gain all of these skills! I would like to provide my students with continued access to the 3D printer since it allows them to design and create as well as collaborate and communicate with their teammates. NNMS already has three 3D printers, but we need some additional parts/tools along with filament to be able to continue 3D printing and a mobile 3D printer stand and storage unit to house the printers and supplies. 


What will be done with my students

Students in my five Entrepreneurship classes will be designing a product for a solution to a problem that they and their classmates have. I want to have the 3D printer available for them to use if they choose to develop a product to 3D print. This would involve the students having to learn how to design their product using the TinkerCad software as well as printing the product to sell at our school Marketplace Day. The image above is from one of the products that a group of my students 3D printed last year for the Marketplace Day- The Bow Quiver to hold the violin bow on the music stand.

Students in my Design & Modeling Engineering class will be learning about the Design Process by completing design challenges from the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) curriculum. One of the challenges includes computational thinking to design a solution for a five piece puzzle cube with specified criteria and constraints while working in pairs. After each student builds a puzzle cube by gluing wooden blocks together, they will explore Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software using Tinkercad to build a 3D model of each of their puzzle pieces. I would like for all of my students to be able to 3D print their puzzle cubes for the last step in the Design Process of Presentation of the Solution. After they get experience with CAD software in Tinkercad with the puzzle cubes, they will go on to learn Autodesk Fusion 360 software, currently used in the engineering industry, to create and print more involved projects.  


Benefits to my students

My Entrepreneurship students will be able to experience the process of 3D printing a product which allows students to understand the relationships between rapid prototyping, testing, evaluating, modifying and repeating in order to develop a product to sell at Marketplace Day. During this iterative process, students gain real-world skills, as they need to understand the emerging problems and find a possible solution to redesign and make a new version of their work to take to market.

My Design & Modeling students will be able to learn the importance of accuracy when dimensioning their puzzle parts so that they will fit together in the puzzle cube once 3D printed. This will assist when the puzzles are being timed while they are put together by their classmates in order to determine which team designed the most difficult puzzle. Throughout this challenge, students will develop essential skills including problem solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and perseverance.  


Budget Narrative

Filament will be purchased from Afinia website store. Additional parts needed (purchased from Amazon): Hex key and wrench sets will be used for making adjustments to the 3D printer. Replacement nozzles will be used to replace nozzles since sometimes they jam. 3D printer scrapper tool will be used to remove pieces printed from the print bed. The glass plate for Ender 3 Pro printer will be used to replace the current bed plate when it needs replacement. The H400 Platform surfaces will be used to replace the print bed on the two Afinia printers when needing replacement (purchased from Afinia website). 3D Printer Stand and Storage Unit will be purchased from with shipping cost. 



# Item Cost
1 Filament- Afinia $279.92
2 Hex key set $8.11
3 Wrench set $17.99
4 Replacement nozzles $7.99
5 3D printer scrapper $9.99
6 Ender 3 Pro Glass plate $18.00
7 H400 Platform surfaces (x2) $49.98
8 Afinia shipping charge $16.87
9 Mobile 3D Printer Stand and Storage Unit $339.00
10 Mobile 3D Printer Stand shipping charge $38.99
  Total: $786.84


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union