To provide every middle and high school in the district with a basic stage make-up kit for classroom instruction and stage performance and enhancement. Make-up application is a primary skill for the stage so that students can immerse themselves into any character. These supplies will be used to teach those skills to Theatre students from grades 6-12.

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Stage Faces Everywhere

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Administrative Center - Collier County Public Schools 
Dr. Cindy Gomez 
Students Impacted:
July 12, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Support Education Specialty License Plate - $2,000.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 500

Through the grant, I was able to provide each middle and school theatre program with a professional makeup kit to be used for school-based productions. I was also able to build a makeup kit to be used for district-wide training and support individul school productions. As a result of the grant, the Communication team and I shot a series of instructional videos for stage makeup. The three-part video series presents the knowledge and skills needed to build a school-based makeup crew and administer stage makeup appropriately, follwoing all safety stages. The kits, which will be a surprise to all of our teachers, will be delivered as soon as the videos are ready. I planned this so that teachers and students alike will know what to do with the materials that they are receiving. These kits will go a long way in supporting the efforts of the theatre teachers and their students at each of our 7 high schools and 10 middle schools. These kits will open the world of stage makeup, FX makeup, and stage makeup design to hundreds of students across the district. The materials will also support the individual schools and the shows they produce each year. I will also be able to support all secondary schools through classroom and production training. 

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Ready to Be Delivered

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Assembly Complete


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Building the Kits

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Contents of Makeup Kit


Original Grant Overview


To provide every middle and high school in the district with a basic stage make-up kit for classroom instruction and stage performance and enhancement. Make-up application is a primary skill for the stage so that students can immerse themselves into any character. These supplies will be used to teach those skills to Theatre students from grades 6-12.  


What will be done with my students

The 10 Middle Schools and 7 High Schools will be provided with a professional stage make-up kit, organized in a make-up trunk. Teachers and theatre students will be taught the proper techniques for basic stage make-up safety/sanitation, application, aging, and a few F/X for the stage. As the teacher trainer, I will be traveling to each school, providing the training, and offering additional hands-on support during their production seasons.  


Benefits to my students

Teachers learn and pass on a necessary Theatre Arts skills. Students learn, practice, and apply necessary Theatre Arts skills. Students will be able to enhance these skills through design and practice of make-up sketches and application.
Having a school kit also allows the teacher and student actors/technicians make-up access to additional supplies for use during a production. While the goal is for each student to have a personal make-up kit, this may not be financially feasible for each student. Teachers will also be able to work with student characters who may require aging or F/X for a particular production. 


Budget Narrative

The Mehron All-Pro Make-up kit is the best product on the market for our purpose. The kit, in medium color, offers a variety of medium range cream bases, and related supplies. The kit also includes a basic array of F/X make-up supplies. The order includes 1 for each middle and high school. The train case is for proper storage, organization, and sanitation of the make-up supplies. This model offers several drawers for separation of materials by style - basic, aging, or F/X  



# Item Cost
1 Mehron All-Pro Make-up Kit ($80 x 17) $1,400.00
2 Make-up Train Case $600.00
  Total: $2,000.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union