To teach my students about electrical energy with a fun and engaging hand-on project.

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Let There Be Light!

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Mattea Marks 
Students Impacted:
July 13, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Hamilton Mikes, P.A. - $48.14


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 40

Students got to learn about electrical energy by making their very own LED flashlights. They each were able to work together to figure out how to connect the battery, bulb, and aluminum foil to make a circuit so that they bulb would light up. They also were able to problem-solve in order to figure out why some of them didn't work and then fix them. The students very much enjoyed the whole activity and were so excited to be able to take them home. Thank you so much for helping me to provide this opportunity to my students!  

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Original Grant Overview


To teach my students about electrical energy with a fun and engaging hand-on project. 


What will be done with my students

Students will participate in an inquiry activity that will allow them to discover concepts of electrical energy by making their own flashlight. After posing questions about how electric circuits work, students will receive a battery and LED light and try to make the bulb light up. Then we will discuss how that worked. Then they will be given aluminum foil and an index card and they will work on different ways they can connect the battery and the bulb with the aluminum foil to see if they can light it up again. Finally, they will try to create a switch that will allow them to turn the flashlight on and off. Then they can tape their flashlight together and take it home and complete their learning by explaining how it works to someone at home. 


Benefits to my students

This project will allow students to learn about electrical energy through inquiry. Instead of the teacher explaining a concept, the students learn by hands-on experience and then explain the concept to each other.  


Budget Narrative

This budget includes the items needed to make these flashlights including, LED bulbs, batteries, aluminum foil, scotch tape, and index cards 



# Item Cost
1 5mm LED bulbs $12.99
2 CR2032 button batteries $11.29
3 aluminum foil $3.50
4 colored index cards $6.37
5 scotch tape $13.99
  Total: $48.14


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union