The goal is to increase students' fluency in an engaging and empowering approach.

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Let Fluency Flourish

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Language Arts 
Kara Schaps 
Students Impacted:
July 20, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Publix SuperMarkets, Inc - $520.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 25

Students have been able to successfully improve their fluency (correct words per minute) as well as improve their fluency intonation as a direct result of having these headphones with microphones. Students are able to privately listen to their recorded fluency passage as well as practice their miscues right at their desk without disrupting others or being embarrassed of others hearing them.This addition to our classroom has been a game changer! Thank you Publix for your donation!


Original Grant Overview


The goal is to increase students' fluency in an engaging and empowering approach. 


What will be done with my students

Students will use the headphones equipped with microphones to record themselves reading a fluency passage each week. They then will playback or listen to their recordings and practice and re-record their miscues. These fluency passages are provided by our district approved HMH reading series. The recordings, feedback, and assignments are completed in the district provided Microsoft Teams application that student and teacher computers are equipped with. 


Benefits to my students

My students will greatly benefit from the flexibility of working on fluency at their seats. It could also help those students that are anxious when they read aloud in front of others. The biggest benefit to this is the immediate feedback the students receive (as well as the teacher). The app shows them their words per minute, accuracy rate, and miscued words. Students listen to themselves (accountability) and then they record their miscued words. The app will track their progress and show them where they have improved and what they can work on (empowerment). Increasing students' fluency allows them to deeply comprehend what they are reading. 


Budget Narrative

This budget includes 25 headphones with microphones ($20 each) and one classroom headphone holder to ensure safe keeping ($20). 



# Item Cost
1 25 Headphones with Microphones $500.00
2 Classroom Headphone Holder $20.00
  Total: $520.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union