To develop a love for reading in middle school students by providing more access to popular titles.

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But, How Does it End?

North Naples Middle 
Language Arts 
Jean Mason 
English Language Arts Department 
Students Impacted:
July 29, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Chuck Schroeder - $320.60


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 300

The book order was placed and some of the books have arrived!  There is already a waiting list of 8th grade students who are interested in checking out and reading one of these novels.  As predicted, after reading excerpts of these books during their Language Arts class, they were highly requested.  These novels will be used as both independent reads and as part of literature circle book groups. 


They will be enjoyed for years to come!  Thank you so very much!


Original Grant Overview


To develop a love for reading in middle school students by providing more access to popular titles. 


What will be done with my students

The new CCPS Language Arts curriculum for students in grades 6-8 is an anthology which contains a variety of excerpts from novels, short stories and poems across a wide genre of literature. It is wonderful, in that it exposes students to a multitude texts which allows students to experience different styles of writing, historical time periods, points of view, and vocabulary. However, students are, for the most part, reading excerpts from texts, rather than the text in it's entirety. We would like to purchase complete copies of the novels that are particularly popular with the students. Inevitably, we will have students who get hooked with the excerpt and want to read the whole book to find out how it ends. 


Benefits to my students

By purchasing 10 copies of several different grade-level titles, students will have the ability to read the entire novel, rather than just an excerpt.  


Budget Narrative

10 copies of each title will be purchased through Amazon. These books will be available for check out, by students, through the Literacy Coach 



# Item Cost
1 10 copies of A Night to Remember $97.20
2 10 copies of Monster $89.90
3 10 copies of The Diary of Anne Frank $133.50
  Total: $320.60


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union