Teach students proper electrical/wiring repair techniques while simultaneously manufacturing their own electrical diagnostic tools to serve them in their careers. After learning how to create their own tools, they will also learn how to properly use them for the desired testing.

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Testing Tools

Immokalee Technical College 
Professional Learning for Teachers 
Charles Riemer 
Students Impacted:
Adult Ed. 
September 12, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Florida Power & Light - $1,870.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 20

The students learned how to use a couple different types of flux solder, various stlyes of heating attachments, various wire sizes, and various heat shrink options.  


They demonstrated great understanding and professional level of proficiency soldering all sizes of wires and attachments with a very high quality finished product that they will take with them to their jobs for diagnostic aids.

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students working

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students working


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finished joints

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finished jumper


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finished jumper 2

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new soldering irons


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new soldering iron accessories

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New soldering bases


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Jumper fuse holders

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pliers, solder, attachments, and heat shrink


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wire bundles for practice and tools


Original Grant Overview


Teach students proper electrical/wiring repair techniques while simultaneously manufacturing their own electrical diagnostic tools to serve them in their careers. After learning how to create their own tools, they will also learn how to properly use them for the desired testing. 


What will be done with my students

The students will cut wires and solder proper connections to safely create fused jumpers and testing circuits that will aid them throughout their careers. 


Benefits to my students

The lessons learned will benefit them in multiple ways.

-creative problem solving required to diagnose difficult problems
-learn proper equipment usage and wire repair techniques
-the tools created will serve them for many years 


Budget Narrative

These tools and materials are mostly single use with the exception of the irons and the holding base. The expendable materials will allow for potentially two years worth of testing and learning. 



# Item Cost
1 soldering irons (8) $800.00
2 Heat shrink tubing (4) $80.00
3 inline fuse holder (80) $640.00
4 solder wire $25.00
5 28mm alligator clips $20.00
6 terminal ends $25.00
7 solder holding base $280.00
  Total: $1,870.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union