My goal is to give students an opportunity to practice the math facts in all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Students have learned various strategies to solve math facts through Procedural Reliability and Procedural Fluency. It is my intention to provide sufficient interactive practice using Reflex Math that their math facts can be solved spontaneously, therefore, freeing up some of their "working memory" when solving difficult math problems. Automaticity of their math facts will enable my students to spend more effort using problem-solving strategies such as visual representation, model drawing, creating a table, or finding a pattern.
Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.
Florida Power & Light - $1,647.50
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Original Grant Overview
My goal is to give students an opportunity to practice the math facts in all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Students have learned various strategies to solve math facts through Procedural Reliability and Procedural Fluency. It is my intention to provide sufficient interactive practice using Reflex Math that their math facts can be solved spontaneously, therefore, freeing up some of their "working memory" when solving difficult math problems. Automaticity of their math facts will enable my students to spend more effort using problem-solving strategies such as visual representation, model drawing, creating a table, or finding a pattern.
What will be done with my students
School-wide students will be required to access and use the program no less than 10 minutes/day. Reflex Math is a highly interactive, rewarding computerized program that increases student engagement and excitement in learning. Through an initial diagnostic test, students will be given various facts to master to determine their level of proficiency. From there, facts are taught as a "fact family" reinforcing the conceptual knowledge of inverse operations and practicing the related facts together until fluent. Students will earn various digital rewards for correctly responding in a timely manner to given math facts.
Benefits to my students
Focusing on math fact fluency can help me address the challenges my students face in mathematics because they would not have to spend so much time with computation. This way the focus can be on the concept being taught along with various strategies in problem-solving. With 91% of my school's students being English Language Learners, they struggle to understand what the word problems are asking them to do. In their mind, many students are translating from Spanish to English and trying to determine which operation to use and how to set up the equation. By the time they are ready to perform the computation, they have already spent a significant amount of time and cognitive energy on the problem. Very often students do not complete their math exams because they run out of time. Some students do have accommodations to allow for extended time, however, they find it difficult to stay focused and do not have the stamina to persevere on challenging problems. With Reflex Math, detailed reports will be generated which provide students, teachers and parents with ongoing progress. Goal-setting becomes a part of the program, which teaches students how to set timely, reasonable goals and devise a plan to take accountable measures towards attaining that goal. Students will benefit from mastering their math facts as more instructional time can be spent on the rigorous learning goals/standards within the curriculum. Students will enjoy the incentives built into the Reflex Math Program, gain confidence in their math skills and increase their motivation to succeed in math.
Budget Narrative
The total amount of $1,647.50 will be used to access a 6 month subscription to REFLEX MATH online for grades K-5. This will benefit the entire school not just one student, classroom, or grade level. The entire grant will be spent on the subscription. Thank you ....Mr. Krause
Reflex Math Subsciption
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