Earning an AICE Diploma could be a great opportunity for many students. An AICE Diploma will allow students to earn college credits while attending high school and attend university or college of their choice without worrying about the tuition. This process requires “Effortful thoughts” from students Candidates and “Deepen conceptual understanding” of the AICE materials.

The goal is to provide Students Candidates a tool that can enhance the rigorous process on how to Achieve the AICE Diploma like a “CHAMP”. It is a complex process, but with the right tool (Journal) and an effective Individualize Personal Plan, earning this diploma is possible for all students who are willing to implement the created strategies.

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How to produce more AICE Diplomas

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Palmetto Ridge High 
School-wide program 
Juniace Etienne 
Students Impacted:
July 29, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $1,950.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 550

The goal was  to provide Students AICE Candidates a tool that can enhance the rigorous process on how to Achieve the AICE Diploma like a “CHAMP”. Earning the AICE Diploma is a complex process, but with the generous donation from Champions for Learning, we were able to purchase  550 Journals. They were distributed to all students who are taking an AICE class. A PowerPoint was shared with students on how to properly use this Journal.  Students began to develop  the  Individualize Personal Plan (IPP). A veery important detail, that is worth mentioning is that students from the Graphic Designer class designed logos for this project. The graphic designer teacher chose the top 5. Within that number, teachers were to choose the top 3. Then students were to vote  for the best one.


Finally, the graphic you see on the pictures below was the best choice according to all the students.       


Overall, the ultimate goal is to help Cambridge AICE Candidates students to stay organize with the rigorous tasks involve into achieving an AICE Diploma upon graduation, by providing with  strategies to achieve the goal of receiving an AICE Diploma upon completing 3 consecutive years of taking AICE classes and earning Credits (Credit points) upon graduation.



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Candidate # 2

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Journal Distribution


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Candidate # 1_Journal

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Journal Distribution


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Original Grant Overview


Earning an AICE Diploma could be a great opportunity for many students. An AICE Diploma will allow students to earn college credits while attending high school and attend university or college of their choice without worrying about the tuition. This process requires “Effortful thoughts” from students Candidates and “Deepen conceptual understanding” of the AICE materials.

The goal is to provide Students Candidates a tool that can enhance the rigorous process on how to Achieve the AICE Diploma like a “CHAMP”. It is a complex process, but with the right tool (Journal) and an effective Individualize Personal Plan, earning this diploma is possible for all students who are willing to implement the created strategies.  


What will be done with my students

As the AICE coordinator, I plan to meet regularly with the students Candidates. During this meeting session, I will be able to monitor how students are using the Journal; I will be able to witness their progress about achieving the AICE Diploma upon graduation.

Students will use the Journal to create a strategic plan on how to achieve the Cambridge AICE Diploma. With the Journal, Students Candidates will be able to create a Timeline on how to achieve the minimum of seven credits also referred to as exam points.

This Timeline will help students to learn how to communicate effectively with their guidance counselors frequently to schedule the needed classes accordingly, and with the AICE Coordinators regarding the complexity on how to select the class from each Group (Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) from subject groups 1, 2, and 3 (and optionally Group 4) to be awarded the Diploma.

Students will need to document the requirements (details) on how to achieve at least one credit (exam point) from each of Groups 1, 2 and 3.

A maximum of two credits that can count from Group 4.
A Cambridge International AS Level is awarded one credit, and a Cambridge International A Level is awarded two credits.

They will also need to note that Credits (exam points) towards the AICE Diploma are earned by passing the assessment attached the course.

Strategy Session with teachers and AICE Coordinator:
The Strategies Session will be divided in four phases: Communication, Researching, Reading, Writing,

Writing: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.1.A

Students will be writing emails to both their guidance counselors and or the AICE Coordinator to balance their schedule accordingly. The strategy of Know, Want to Know, Want to Learn (KWL) chart will be used to allow students identify what they already know about the program, and what they want to know, and what they want to learn about the process.

With this chart in mind their communication may be less confusing for all parties involved. I will go over the KWL Chart with them and I will encourage them to add that into their journal as well.

Researching/Reading: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.7:
Students will be conducting research to better understand the requirements for each Group (AICE classes). This information will be provided to them via the syllabus and their teachers will also cover that information. Nonetheless, make a note of it in the journal will make it more personable, to give them automaticity, and ownership of the process.

Writing/Communication: ELA.K.C.4.1 The writing is a continuity of the Researching and Reading components. Students will have the opportunity to elaborate and explain why they want to know more about the Groups of classes they had written in their KWL chart. Students can write or draw pictures to help them visualize their progress.

The goal is to help Cambridge AICE Candidates students to stay organize with the rigorous tasks involve into achieving an AICE Diploma upon graduation.



Benefits to my students

The ability to develop a clear “Individualize Personal Plan” Cambridge AICE Students Candidates will be able to stay on tasks with their classes day-to-day requirements, most importantly they will be able to seek necessary resources on how to prepare themselves to earn the Credits (exam points) towards achieving their AICE Diploma.  


Budget Narrative

The goal is to position 450 Students AICE Candidates to receive their AICE Diploma upon graduation.

Description of the Cambridge AICE Diploma:

“The Cambridge AICE Diploma is a group certificate which requires learners to study a compulsory core subject, Cambridge AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, with Cambridge AS and A Level subjects drawn from three curriculum areas: Mathematics and Science (Group 1), Languages (Group 2), and Arts and Humanities (Group 3). There is the option to study interdisciplinary and skills-based subjects (Group 4).”

This process will require 450 Journal:
1 unit price: $4.20
450 Units: $1,890.00
PRHS Logo: $60.00
Total Price: $1,950.00

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the donors in advance for this grant. Your generosity, your support, and your dedication for our educational system will allow 450 families to send 450 students to attend the university of their dreams with almost free tuition.

This grant will forever be impactful in our community, allowing students to graduate college debt free.




# Item Cost
1 450 Journal $1,890.00
2 Graphic $60.00
  Total: $1,950.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union