The goal is to provide tools for my students to improve their number sense during our math block starting with our calendar math time.

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Vineyards Elementary 
Sandra Eisold 
Students Impacted:
August 5, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion for Learning - $156.28


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 19

How fun and engaging it is to use our new math tools to help deepen our math knowledge!  All of these resources are so beneficial to the students.  Students love walking on the number line.  It is a great way to add and subtract and find the missing addend.  The beads on the rekenrek make it easy to add groups of ten and they can manipulate the beads as they show different numbers.  The 120 chart can be used in a variety of ways as well, including the students are able to refer to the side with the numbers as they fill in the blank chart.  The students love and are benefitting from each of our new math resources!  

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Students use the 120 chart.

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Students use the number line to find the missing a


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A small group show off the number line.

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The whole class loves this huge number line!


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Students use the rekenrek to show a number.

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Students show off their reusable 120 charts.


Original Grant Overview


The goal is to provide tools for my students to improve their number sense during our math block starting with our calendar math time.  


What will be done with my students

Students will use these tools during our calendar math time as well during the rest of our math block. Students will be able to manipulate the class number lines and rek-n-rek, as well as use their individual math dry erase boards to further practice their skills.  


Benefits to my students

All of these tools will benefit my students as they work to improve their number sense. Students will be engaged in their learning as work to count, add, compare and manipulate numbers in various ways. 


Budget Narrative

The budget includes the two different number lines, a 100 bead rek-n-rek, individual dry erase math boards and a dry erase graph paper chart as well as the tax to purchase various items that will enhance my students learning of math. 



# Item Cost
1 0-30 Number Line Floor Mat, Blue 22 L x 1 W ft $22.35
2 1 to 120 Number Path Pocket Chart $18.73
3 Mini 100 Bead Wooden Rekenrek, Abacus $14.99
4 Numerical Fluency & 120 Chart Flexible Dry-Erase Boards - Set of 10 ($19.95 x 2) $39.90
5 Dry Erase Boards - Numbers 1-120 - Set of 10 ($20.84 x 2) $41.68
6 Graphing Grid (Large Squares) Wipe-Off Chart, 17" x 22" $8.40
7 Tax $10.23
  Total: $156.28


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union