My goal is to encourage all of my students to persevere and sprinkle kindness every day at school and at home. I want my students to understand the importance of being kind and having empathy for others. I also want to build a positive environment where they respect and care about one another.

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Positive Patriots

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Character Education 
Jennifer Torkelson 
Students Impacted:
August 15, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Kevin and Nancy Walls Brigitte Thompson Parents - $41.29


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 16

The positive patriots grant helped to motivate my students to work hard, make good choices and not give up, even when tasks might be challenging. My students love to receive the positive brag tags when they are caught working hard, showing determination, being kind and staying focused each day while they learn and grow together. All of my students look forward to earning the brag tags and they are proud to wear them at school. The brag tags have encouraged my students to work hard and be brave in their learning. They have been a wonderful way to reward my students when they are caught working hard and taking risks in their learning throughout the school year.

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Proud Patriots

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Positive Patriots


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Proud Pats

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Original Grant Overview


My goal is to encourage all of my students to persevere and sprinkle kindness every day at school and at home. I want my students to understand the importance of being kind and having empathy for others. I also want to build a positive environment where they respect and care about one another. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

My students will be rewarded with the character trait brag tags when they are kind and supportive to one another. They can also earn them when they use grit to work through things, even when they are hard and they might want to give up. 


Benefits to my students

The benefit to my students is that being rewarded for using perseverance, grit and kindness will encourage all students to build a positive classroom community; where all students feel appreciated and respected in our classroom. 


Budget Narrative

The budget of $$41.29 will allow me to purchase character trait brag tags to give my students as a reward when they are kind to one another, empathetic, and persevere through mistakes and challenges throughout the school year. 



# Item Cost
1 Build and support good character brag tags and chains $41.29
  Total: $41.29


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union