I teach Digital Information Technology (DIT) at Naples High School (NHS). The purchase of the Adventure Kit: 30 Days Lost in Space aligns perfectly with the second Learning Goal of the Florida Department of Education's DIT standard, as well as all the sub-standards as outlined below.

02.0: Develop an awareness of microcomputers.
02.01: Explain the general architecture of a microcomputer system.
02.02: Explain the need for and demonstrate proficiency using common peripherals (e.g., printers, mouse, keyboard, external hard drive, flash drive).
02.03: Examine the concepts of computer maintenance and upgrades.

Additionally, I run a computer science club during lunch at NHS. These adventure kits have extensions whereby students can learn Python, a complex and an in-demand job skill. It is my goal for this club to participate in virtual coding competitions with this language.

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Computer Science 30 Days Lost in Space STEM Kit

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Naples High 
Matthew Leahey 
Students Impacted:
August 22, 2024
September 20, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Kevin & Robin Benoit - $1,160.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 103

During this unit, students were equipped with the cutting-edge Raspberry Pi Pico W, vibrant LEDs, resistors, buttons, and sensors.  Students completed hands-on coding and electronics projects. Guided by a step-by-step curriculum and an immersive storyline set in the glowing, futuristic Neon Realm, they developed core skills in MicroPython programming and circuit design.  Additionally, students expanded their knowledge of computers to incorporate and build their own modern-day microcomputers as well as potential career paths in computer science.  The materials used in this unit are infinitely reusable; meaning all my future students will have the same opportunities as those I had this year.  I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Mr. and Mrs. Benoit.  Without their generous donation, none of this would be possible.

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Students writing code and building circuits

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Students writing code and building circuits


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Students writing code and building circuits

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Students writing code and building circuits


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Students writing code and building circuits

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Students writing code and building circuits


Original Grant Overview


I teach Digital Information Technology (DIT) at Naples High School (NHS). The purchase of the Adventure Kit: 30 Days Lost in Space aligns perfectly with the second Learning Goal of the Florida Department of Education's DIT standard, as well as all the sub-standards as outlined below.

02.0: Develop an awareness of microcomputers.
02.01: Explain the general architecture of a microcomputer system.
02.02: Explain the need for and demonstrate proficiency using common peripherals (e.g., printers, mouse, keyboard, external hard drive, flash drive).
02.03: Examine the concepts of computer maintenance and upgrades.

Additionally, I run a computer science club during lunch at NHS. These adventure kits have extensions whereby students can learn Python, a complex and an in-demand job skill. It is my goal for this club to participate in virtual coding competitions with this language.



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Working in pairs, students from my DIT course (~110 students) and my Computer Science Club (~20 students) will complete the 30 Days Lost in Space challenge with the aim of completing 2-3 "days" per class period.  


Benefits to my students

This hands-on, adventure-based learning experience will expose and provide students with skillsets needed in the STEM fields of today and tomorrow. It is my hope that students will be inspired by these careers and continue taking the many STEM courses offered at NHS.

Additionally, as these kits are reusable, I plan to use these every year. This means that an average of 130 students will benefit from this grant year after year. 


Budget Narrative

If funded, I will purchase 20 kits for use in my classroom through an educator discount. The educator discount form can be found by following this link: https://shorturl.at/kjpXx 



# Item Cost
1 20 x inventr.io 30 Days Lost in Space $1,160.00
  Total: $1,160.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union