Multi-Sensory learning is a cornerstone of the educational philosophy at Educational Pathways Academy. All of our students have a language-based learning disability, and our comprehensive approach to education is designed so that our students can have a learning experience that is engaging and effective for their unique learning style.

The goal for our science program is to provide students with real-life multi-sensory learning experiences that bridge classroom instruction with the practical application of what it would be like to be a scientist solving a problem in a lab.

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Hands-On Learning with Cell Cycles Kits

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Educational Pathways Academy 
Stephanie Vang 
Students Impacted:
August 26, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $567.36


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 26

The Champions for Learning Grant has significantly enhanced our science curriculum by providing Interactive Plant & Animal Cell Models and Cell Science Kits. These engaging, multisensory resources serve as both introductory and cumulative projects, fostering student interest and motivation. Additionally, their durability ensures they will benefit students for years to come.

The Interactive Plant & Animal Cell Models are used as both an introductory activity and a review tool throughout the unit. Students collaborate to identify cell structures, assemble the models, and correctly place each component. This hands-on approach enables them to compare and contrast plant and animal cells while deepening their understanding of cellular biology.

The Cell Science Kit serves as the foundation for a Guided Inquiry Project, incorporating a student playlist, interactive scenarios, research opportunities, and problem-solving tasks. Through an inquiry-based learning approach, students develop a deeper understanding of cellular science in a structured yet exploratory manner.

One example of a current lesson integrates genetics with the cell cycle models, allowing students to explore meiosis and mitosis. As a culminating project, students will apply their knowledge to develop solutions for a scenario in which plants are affected by disease.

In conjunction with the TCI Cell Science Unit, the Ward Engage Science Kit and Models provide additional guided projects. Students work in teams to investigate multiple scientific scenarios, engage in hands-on activities, and explore various biological processes.

This grant has empowered students to develop valuable 21st-century skills, including interdisciplinary research, critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and high-level questioning. These experiences not only enhance their scientific literacy but also build essential skills for future academic and professional success.

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Original Grant Overview


Multi-Sensory learning is a cornerstone of the educational philosophy at Educational Pathways Academy. All of our students have a language-based learning disability, and our comprehensive approach to education is designed so that our students can have a learning experience that is engaging and effective for their unique learning style.

The goal for our science program is to provide students with real-life multi-sensory learning experiences that bridge classroom instruction with the practical application of what it would be like to be a scientist solving a problem in a lab.




Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

This year, our middle school science curriculum for at Educational Pathways Academy includes foundational instruction in Cells and Genetics. I am requesting funding for Cell Cycle Kits and Cell Models.

These learning tools will give our students an enhanced opportunity for scientific learning and inquiry and hands-on experiential learning. With the Cell Cycle Kits and Cell Models, I will lead interactive lessons that will focus on both academic learning objectives and also soft skills such as inquiry, patience, and reflection, that a scientist might utilize in a lab setting.


Benefits to my students

This opportunity to delve into the Cell Cycle Kit will greatly benefits students by giving them the opportunity to practice science in a real-life, hands-on, and meaningful way. The problems students will solve in the Cell Cycle Kit will have a direct impact on their confidence and morale as problem solvers and scientists. This kit is specifically designed for middle school students, which aligns perfectly with our programmatic needs.  


Budget Narrative

The four items requested will provide a complete set of tools for all EPA middle school students to utilize during lessons during this school year. 



# Item Cost
1 2 Ward Science Cell Cycle Kits $379.98
2 1 Cell Manipulative Model: Animals $107.39
3 I Cell Manipulative Model: Plants $79.99
  Total: $567.36


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union