My goal is to help my students fall in love with reading with the use of SSYRA books, incentives, and a daily read aloud.

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Ravenous for Reading

Lely Elementary 
Stephanie Irish 
Students Impacted:
July 8, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,800.00 Needed



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My goal is to help my students fall in love with reading with the use of SSYRA books, incentives, and a daily read aloud. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

We will create a bulletin board in our classroom to track who has read each SSYRA book for this school year. I will join the competition to make it fun for all students and to keep up on what our students are reading. I will also read aloud from a chapter book daily to help students understand the importance of sticking with a book from front to end. Our class will also participate in Accelerated Reader where we will take quizzes on the books we read and earn points. I will reward students with charms for every five points they earn and let them spin a prize wheel for a prize. Prizes can be free computer time, lunch with teacher, treasure box etc... We will also print out colored certificates for students as they earn points. 


Benefits to my students

As students read daily, their reading skills improve. Their fluency and comprehension will improve throughout the school year. As we do the various read aloud books throughout the school year, we participate in class discussions about what's happening in the book and make predictions about what we think will happen next. These are all things that great reads do and our students will benefit from all of these activities. 


Budget Narrative

This project will benefit all of the fourth graders at Lely Elementary. This project will highly motivate our students to read. 



# Item Cost
1 Class set of SSYRA books $250.00
2 Chains and Star charms $650.00
3 Prize wheel $100.00
4 Treasure box prizes $300.00
5 Colored Ink to print out certificates $500.00
  Total: $1,800.00

0% Funded



Only $1,800.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union