Our goal is to integrate Science, Math, Health, and Writing while students will be allowed to have a hands on experience with their own class garden. From seed sprouting to edible plants, to using measurement, to simple addition and subtraction. These gardens will enhance our classroom learning environment by creating individual and cooperative learning experiences for each child.

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Growing Gardens, Growing Happiness!

grant photo
Vineyards Elementary 
Kim Stone 
Meaghan Cavaliere 
Students Impacted:
July 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $333.80 Needed



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Our goal is to integrate Science, Math, Health, and Writing while students will be allowed to have a hands on experience with their own class garden. From seed sprouting to edible plants, to using measurement, to simple addition and subtraction. These gardens will enhance our classroom learning environment by creating individual and cooperative learning experiences for each child.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Classroom students will learn Life Science, Life Skills, and work collaboratively with peers in the garden during the school year. Students will be able to raise questions, investigate, keep records, and explain. Our goal is to grow a variety of vegetables throughout the year. Some items we would like to the students to experience are the following: tomatoes, carrots, squash, bell peppers, radishes, squash, and many more.  


Benefits to my students

Our students will be able to enjoy all aspects of gardening. They can be entertained and involved by the entire process of gardening from planning, planting, estimating, to recording the growth of plants. In addition, they will be able to taste the fruits and vegetables of their labor.  


Budget Narrative

The items listed above are items that we have researched on what we need to have a creative, fun, hands on learning experience for our 1st grade classes. We are thankful for any items that you are willing to contribute toward our garden.
Thank you!



# Item Cost
1 Tall Wooden Kids Garden Bed X 4 62.99 each- Walmart $251.96
2 Potting Soil x 4 8.97 each-Walmart $35.88
3 Vegetable Seeds variety pack x 2 9.99 each- Walmart $19.98
4 Flower Seeds p 2-12.99 each Walmart $25.98
  Total: $333.80

0% Funded



Only $333.80 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union