My goal for students is to have them be 100% engaged in learning 5th grade math content while they are immersed in playing strategic math review games with their peers.

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Blooket Brainpower!

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
July 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $35.88 Needed



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My goal for students is to have them be 100% engaged in learning 5th grade math content while they are immersed in playing strategic math review games with their peers.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Blooket is an online gaming platform. Teachers create questions focusing on academic standards, and then choose a gaming mode. Students then join the game and answer questions to win! The gaming mode and settings allow the teacher to design it as best fits her classroom structure: there are different types of game modes, team modes, timers, and it can be set up so that students receive the question multiple times thereby learning from their errors.  


Benefits to my students

One benefit to my students is they get immediate feedback with regard to accuracy and errors. Another benefit is that they are also 100% engaged and motivated to play and to do the best they can as they are competing with their peers. Along with those benefits, a different benefit is that students can compete with code names that only the teacher knows, to make it an anonymous play and therefore students feel more safe. A benefit to teachers and students is that teachers can align the game based on their curriculum standards. Teachers can also view a detailed report afterwards which will show which how each student did, and which questions teachers might need to review again in class.  


Budget Narrative

The price of $35.88 is for a yearly plus subscription. A plus subscription allows me to include all 7 teachers on the team as well as the 175 students. 



# Item Cost
1 A yearly subscription of Blooket Plus $35.88
  Total: $35.88

0% Funded



Only $35.88 Needed



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Suncoast Credit Union