My goal for students is for them to use the Classkick technology program to complete work, help others, and receive feedback from the teacher in real time.

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5th Graders are kicking it with ClassKick!

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
July 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $155.88 Needed



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My goal for students is for them to use the Classkick technology program to complete work, help others, and receive feedback from the teacher in real time.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Classkick is an online platform on which teachers can upload assignments or create assignments. Students will then complete their work on the platform. Students can "raise" their hand for completion or for help. On the computer, I am able to view all of my students working in live time, and able to give them feedback or assistance immediately.  


Benefits to my students

This program highly benefits students in many ways. There are various tools on this program, in which students are able to utilize to complete their work. From highlighting, drawing, typing, uploading pictures, hyperlinks and using voice recordings, students have numerous tools not only to complete their work, but to receive instruction or feedback in different ways. Students can also receive assignments in different ways as well: multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, using manipulative...and they can store their work in an online "portfolio". Because teachers can see all students as they are working in live time, students are able to receive immediate feedback, which assists them if they are having trouble understanding or completing an assignment. Students are also able to see their grades immediately as well. Students can also use this program whether they are in school physically or at home virtually.  


Budget Narrative

This is the price for a one-year Classkick pro subscription. With a pro subscription, I can create an unlimited amount of assignments.




# Item Cost
1 A yearly subscription to Classkick pro $155.88
  Total: $155.88

0% Funded



Only $155.88 Needed



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Suncoast Credit Union