The primary goal if this project to supply students with the necessary materials to be successful in science class this year. Many of our students do not have the resources available to them to get the necessary school supplies. The secondary goal is to have students create interactive science notebooks to help they stay organized and reflect on their learning throughout the school year.

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Interactive Notebooks for Engaging students

Immokalee Middle 
Amie Grant 
Meshain Holmes, Michael Haddock 
Students Impacted:
July 11, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,635.00 Needed



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The primary goal if this project to supply students with the necessary materials to be successful in science class this year. Many of our students do not have the resources available to them to get the necessary school supplies. The secondary goal is to have students create interactive science notebooks to help they stay organized and reflect on their learning throughout the school year. 



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Student will be given the supplies and guided on how to setup and maintain an interactive science notebook. Students will create notes, drawings, diagrams, and reflections on science topics in their notebooks, making it a comprehensive resource for students. Students will also keep folders for loose papers. Students will use glue sticks to paste items into their notebooks. They will use color pencils to create diagrams and highlighters to go back over notes. 


Benefits to my students

These notebooks encourage active learning, help students track their progress, and serve as a valuable reference for reviewing concepts. The benefits are numerous: they promote student engagement, improve organizational skills, and make learning more interactive and enjoyable. Students will hopefully keep these notebooks into 8th grade when they take their 8th grade state science test which covers 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade topics. These notebooks will be very helpful to review for the state test. 


Budget Narrative

Money will be spent to buy a notebook and folder for each student. Additional supplies of glowsticks, highlighters and color pencils are needed for students to create notes in their notebooks. Copy paper and color paper is needed to create more complex diagrams and make them visually appealing to the students so that they take pride in their work.  



# Item Cost
1 composition books $475.00
2 pocket folders $475.00
3 glue sticks $150.00
4 color pencils $150.00
5 highlighters $75.00
6 copy paper $100.00
7 color paper $100.00
8 scissors $60.00
9 tape $50.00
  Total: $1,635.00

0% Funded



Only $1,635.00 Needed



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Suncoast Credit Union