My goal for this grant is to motivate students to complete math activities in a fun, learning environment.

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Growing in math skills with Gimkit!

Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
July 11, 2024

0% Funded



Only $35.88 Needed



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My goal for this grant is to motivate students to complete math activities in a fun, learning environment.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Gimkit is a learning platform that can be used in various modes: individual, class, team, home. Teachers can input questions for the skill that is being taught, and then choose a specific game, as well as mode, for the students to participate in. Students can also input questions through one of the collaboration features, and teachers can use those questions for the game. It immerses students in their own learning in a fun and interactive way. 


Benefits to my students

One benefit is that the modes can be individualized and changed so that it reaches all leaners. Another benefit is that it is highly engaging not just with the different modes, but with the "money" students can earn, and characters they can build. A third benefit is that students enjoy adding to a "kit" (the specific game) because they know that they are involved in their own learning. Teachers also get a data report after each game as well.  


Budget Narrative

The budget of $35.88 will pay for a yearly subscription that my 3 classes can all use.  



# Item Cost
1 A yearly subscription of Gimkit $35.88
  Total: $35.88

0% Funded



Only $35.88 Needed



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Suncoast Credit Union