Our school's new innovation center has many beautiful, new facilities including many classrooms. My particular classroom was initially setup to include a secondary display which provides an additional viewpoint for students to see what the classroom's main electronic display board is showing. Unfortunately, this display malfunctioned over the previous academic year and can no longer be used. Our goal is to gather the funds to purchase a new replacement for that secondary display.

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Increasing Accessibility for Student Interaction

Immokalee High 
Social Studies 
David Stehlin 
Students Impacted:
July 14, 2024

0% Funded



Only $650.00 Needed



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Our school's new innovation center has many beautiful, new facilities including many classrooms. My particular classroom was initially setup to include a secondary display which provides an additional viewpoint for students to see what the classroom's main electronic display board is showing. Unfortunately, this display malfunctioned over the previous academic year and can no longer be used. Our goal is to gather the funds to purchase a new replacement for that secondary display. 



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

By replacing the display with a new display, students of the classroom will be able to more easily interact with content on display. As the room is of rectangular design, some students have found it easier to see interact with content on the secondary display as opposed to the main display. In addition, this secondary display will provide an an additional vantage point for students to facilitate collaborative groupings so that all seat placements are not forced around one single point--being the main classroom display board. 


Benefits to my students

In an effort to increase accessibility to all students and help create a more effective learning environment, a replacement of our secondary display will both help to increase interaction with materials, sharing of ideas, and encourage more group discussions, thus effectively raising content literacy and collaborative activities. This is of particular note, as the courses that are taught in this classroom are predicated upon the need for collaborative spacing and team-based projects and business ventures. 


Budget Narrative

The classroom was initially set up for this secondary display in terms of wiring and software to effectively use both displays and provide easy accessibility to our students. The only financial need is to replace the broken display which is no more than a 65" TV and an adaptor to integrate between both displays. Estimates range between $550-$650 which is reflected in the above itemized request. 



# Item Cost
1 65" screen TV $600.00
2 HDMI splitter/adaptor $50.00
  Total: $650.00

0% Funded



Only $650.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union