Students with engage with their classmates to learn and play board games. Through these games students will improve social and cognitive skills, boost language skills, increase patience, attention and learn problem solving skills.

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Game On!

grant photo
Herbert Cambridge Elementary 
Character Education 
Cara Denny 
Students Impacted:
July 14, 2024

0% Funded



Only $289.36 Needed



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Students with engage with their classmates to learn and play board games. Through these games students will improve social and cognitive skills, boost language skills, increase patience, attention and learn problem solving skills.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Once a month I will meet with each class to teach students how to play a new board game.
- Students will be taught the directions and the rules to the board game.
- Students will learn to set up the game.
- Students will problem solve how to decide who goes first and they will practice taking turns.
- Students will help and encourage classmates as they play the game.
- Students will learn how to work as a team to clean up the game appropriately so that it is ready for the next players.
- Students will learn how to be a good loser and a gracious winner, by showing good sportsmanship.
- Students will then have the opportunity to play board games with their classmates during recess. 


Benefits to my students

Students will engage with their classmates, learn to work together and develop new friendships. Many articles describe these additional benefits of playing board games:
- Improve social skills as students communicate, problem solve and work together;
- Increase attention span, and fine motor skills;
- Improve academic skills as they physically and mentally
engage in the game utilizing colors, numbers, and questioning;
- Improve self esteem and resilience, as they experience the ups and downs that ultimately get each player to the finish.  


Budget Narrative

Shipping from Amazon is free, tax is included. Items can be reused in future years. 



# Item Cost
1 Candy Land $12.03 x 5 $60.15
2 Chutes and Ladders 12.99 x 3 $38.97
3 Uno 4.97 x 5 $24.85
4 Spot It 7.97 x 5 $39.85
5 Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza 9.84 x 5 $49.20
6 Yeti In My Spaghetti 11.99 x 5 $59.95
7 Tax $16.39
  Total: $289.36

0% Funded



Only $289.36 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union