Visiting the Naples Zoo will enhance our science curriculum and make the concept of animal classification and adaptations more meaningful and help deepen their understanding.

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Wild About ANIMALS Experience

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Stephanie Scalise 
Students Impacted:
July 15, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,972.80 Needed



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Visiting the Naples Zoo will enhance our science curriculum and make the concept of animal classification and adaptations more meaningful and help deepen their understanding.




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What will be done with my students

We will be studying animal classification, characteristics and adaptations in 3rd grade. These are fun concepts, but also very difficult to comprehend. A field trip to the Naples Zoo will provide an educational experience for all these students that will be memorable!



Benefits to my students

Like scientists, students will learn how to identify other features such as leaf shapes and patterns, colors, x-rays, teeth, fur, feathers, and scales, oh my! Explore and identify the basic needs of all living things. Practice exploration and sharpen your inquiry skills by sorting through clues and raising questions amongst your peers to solve wildlife mysteries. Compare and contrast living things as they relate to one another and to humans. Analyze data and draw conclusions based on evidence and identify the unique characteristics of living things.


Budget Narrative

The entrance fee is $12 per student. 3 buses for 4 hours each.



# Item Cost
1 140 kids entrance fee @$12 each $1,680.00
2 3 buses for 4 hours $292.80
  Total: $1,972.80

0% Funded



Only $1,972.80 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union