To apply the science concepts of heat transfer and physical and chemical changes to a yummy pancake lab.

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Pancake Lab

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Oakridge Middle 
Amy Diemert 
Students Impacted:
July 18, 2024

0% Funded



Only $94.00 Needed



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To apply the science concepts of heat transfer and physical and chemical changes to a yummy pancake lab. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Prior to winter break, we will make (and eat) pancakes! During the process, we will apply scientific concepts taught during 8th grade science. We will record what types of physical and chemical changes occur while mixing the batter, applying the batter to the hot griddle, and then eating the pancake. We will also observe examples of radiation, conduction and convection to the griddle and cooking process.  


Benefits to my students

Students will benefit by applying scientific concepts of physical and chemical changes and heat transfer to the real life application of making pancakes. Food is high interest for middle school students! 


Budget Narrative

We already have 2 electric griddles. The additional 2 will make the process a lot more efficient. These can be reused for years to come!
The rest are the supplies needed to make the pancakes. 



# Item Cost
1 Electric griddle (2) ( $42.00
2 Pancake mix (12) ( $24.00
3 Syrup (5) ( $12.00
4 Paper plates (200) ( $10.00
5 48 plastic forks (3) ( $6.00
  Total: $94.00

0% Funded



Only $94.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union