My goal is to enhance student engagement and improve academic outcomes in my U.S. History class by integrating creative materials and interactive online tools, specifically through the use of consumable supplies and a subscription to Gimkit. These resources will be used to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences that align with Florida's 11th grade U.S. History standards.

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Let's Get Engaged!

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Aubrey Rogers High 
Marsha Colbert 
Students Impacted:
July 19, 2024

0% Funded



Only $369.43 Needed



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My goal is to enhance student engagement and improve academic outcomes in my U.S. History class by integrating creative materials and interactive online tools, specifically through the use of consumable supplies and a subscription to Gimkit. These resources will be used to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences that align with Florida's 11th grade U.S. History standards. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

We will use consumable supplies like markers, sticky poster paper, and construction paper for collaborative projects, such as creating historical timelines, propaganda posters, and infographics. These projects align with Florida's standards for 11th grade U.S. History, specifically standards SS.912.A.1.2 (Use research and inquiry skills to analyze American History using primary and secondary sources), SS.912.A.3.13 (Analyze the impact of technological innovations on American life), and SS.912.A.7.11 (Analyze the impact of political, economic, and social changes on American society).

Additionally we will implement Gimkit, an interactive online game, to review and reinforce key historical concepts and facts. Students will engage in competitive and collaborative gameplay that requires them to apply their knowledge in a fun and dynamic way. Gimkit is designed to be used with any of our Florida standards, and can even be assigned for homework as a review. 


Benefits to my students

When engaging students with creative projects, I intend to see increased student participation and a deeper understanding of historical events through visual and kinesthetic learning strategies. This in turn will have a positive impact on their EOC or End of Course exam. Using Gimkit, I intend to see improved retention of historical facts and concepts, increased motivation to study and review materials, and enhanced critical thinking skills through game-based learning. This will help them to prepare for their End of Unit tests and EOC at the end of the school year. Research from the Center for Applied Special Technology (or CAST) shows that when providing multiple means for engagement and representation of learning, we are able to create a more inclusive learning experience with greater achievment for all students. 


Budget Narrative

Items listed will be purchased and used as described in grant request. 



# Item Cost
1 7 packs of poster markers @ $9.19 each $64.33
2 6 Post-It Super Sticky Easel Pads (30 Sheets Each) $113.00
3 9 Packs of 12 x 18 inch Construction Paper $75.06
4 36 Pack of Scissors $32.99
5 1 Year Gimkit Subscription $59.88
6 Tax $24.17
  Total: $369.43

0% Funded



Only $369.43 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union