This will allow all 7th grade students at Pine Ridge Middle School to have a hands-on experience dissecting owl pellets.

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Give a Hoot for Owl Pellet Dissections!

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Pine Ridge Middle 
Karen Sydney 
Students Impacted:
July 23, 2024

23% Funded



Only $359.95 Needed



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This will allow all 7th grade students at Pine Ridge Middle School to have a hands-on experience dissecting owl pellets. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students will have the opportunity to learn about ecology by dissecting owl pellets. This hands-on activity will allow students to compare and contrast bones found in their own owl pellet. Also, they will use a dichotomous key to identify the bones of the prey. 


Benefits to my students

Owl pellet dissections will give my students a glimpse into the life of an animal they may never see in the wild. These dissections will be used to aid in teaching ecology topics such as food webs, biomass pyramids and energy loss, all of which are required standards in the state of Florida. Ultimately, hands-on activities/ dissections create a lasting impression and is a fun way of learning for all students. 


Budget Narrative

The $469.95 will be used to purchase 100 owl pellets.  



# Item Cost
1 100 Owl Pellets with Teachers Guide and Bone Sorting Sheets $469.95
  Total: $469.95

23% Funded



Only $359.95 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union