At Herbert Cambridge Elementary we strive to grow leaders, learners, and responsible citizens. Through this project we will recognize the students who display these qualities and inspire them in others, ultimately creating a school community in which each child feels engaged, safe, respected, celebrated, and loved.

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Something To Brag About!

grant photo
Herbert Cambridge Elementary 
School-wide program 
Cara Denny 
Students Impacted:
July 24, 2024

0% Funded



Only $545.00 Needed



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At Herbert Cambridge Elementary we strive to grow leaders, learners, and responsible citizens. Through this project we will recognize the students who display these qualities and inspire them in others, ultimately creating a school community in which each child feels engaged, safe, respected, celebrated, and loved.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

As a part of the Herbert Cambridge Elementary positive behavior plan we will recognize our students' positive behaviors and character, by announcing them on the morning news with 'Positive Referrals'.
Each student who is recognized with a positive referral will receive a certificate to share with parents, have their picture displayed at school and receive a customized brag stick. Students can proudly display these brag sticks on a backpack, belt loop, or anything that they can connect to. The first brag stick that students will receive is customized with the Herbert Cambridge Elementary School theme and mascot, which will help build a sense of community. As they continue to earn positive referrals they can collect different brag stick designs. In addition, students who are recognized as Students of the Month will also be announced on the news, have their picture displayed and receive an 'I am a Leader' brag stick to display. Other incentives, such as reading, math or attendance may also be added and displayed on the brag stick holder. 


Benefits to my students

This project will benefit the Herbert Cambridge Elementary students by inspiring, motivating, and recognizing positive behaviors, attitudes and hard work. During a recent survey, Herbert Cambridge Elementary students reported that the recognition of Positive Referrals and Student of the Month were the top 2 incentives to motivate and reinforce their positive behaviors. These incentives not only reinforce students who receive the recognition, but the announcements on the news, displayed pictures and brag sticks displayed on backpacks serve as a reminder and a motivation for other students to make positive choices.  


Budget Narrative

Customized brag sticks minimum order is 500, the remainder of brag tags are used as welcome gifts for new students and visitors. 



# Item Cost
1 Customized Brag Stick 500 x .66 $330.00
2 Honest Brag Stick 50 x .50 $25.00
3 Respectful Brag Stick 50 x .50 $25.00
4 Kindness Brag Stick 50 x .50 $25.00
5 Responsible Brag Stick 50 x .50 $25.00
6 Learn Something New Brag Stick 50 x .50 $25.00
7 Cable Rings 300 x .25 $75.00
8 Shipping and Handling $15.00
  Total: $545.00

0% Funded



Only $545.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union