Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to make sure that all students have access to a writing utensil. Students often come to school without a writing utensil, lose or break their pencil during the day. The goal is that they will always have access to a pencil, eraser and a way to sharpen that pencil so that it can be used.

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Pencils, Pencils and More Pencils

Immokalee Middle 
Amie Grant 
Students Impacted:
July 11, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Lipman Family Farms - $360.00


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My goal is to make sure that all students have access to a writing utensil. Students often come to school without a writing utensil, lose or break their pencil during the day. The goal is that they will always have access to a pencil, eraser and a way to sharpen that pencil so that it can be used. 



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Pencils, erasers, and sharpeners will be purchased and made available to students that need them. 


Benefits to my students

Pencils can motivate children to try again and improve after making mistakes.
The act of sharpening a pencil can teach students the importance of resilience, as the pencil gets shorter but can still be used.
Using pencils and paper can help students manage their cognitive load by encouraging them to show their work.
Pencils and paper can help students organize their thoughts and communicate scientific concepts more clearly. When students show their work with a pencil, they can use it as a visual checklist to see which parts of a problem they've already solved. Research shows that paper-based learning can help students engage more with the material, retain information better, and develop a mindset that's ready to learn. Pencils also have other practical benefits, such as being inexpensive, easy to handle, and able to write in any temperature.
Students will not have an excuse not to do their work. 


Budget Narrative

Money will be used to buy pencils, sharpeners and erasers. 



# Item Cost
1 presharpened pencils $200.00
2 erasers $30.00
3 2 mechanical pencil sharpenera $100.00
4 handheld pencil sharpener $30.00
  Total: $360.00


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