Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To expand student learning in 5th grade STEM. As students will connect to our state standard of comparing and contrasting adaptations displayed by animals and plants that enable them to survive in different environments such as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics.

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Stem is Better with a Leopard Gecko

Turner Bartels K-8 School 
Kellie Delgado 
Students Impacted:
July 15, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Tampa Electric Company - $408.88


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To expand student learning in 5th grade STEM. As students will connect to our state standard of comparing and contrasting adaptations displayed by animals and plants that enable them to survive in different environments such as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to experience a real-life example of a reptile in its habitat environment, as they learn about its behavior and physical characteristics. They will be able to observe the Leopard Gecko's docile temperament, while helping instill values of responsibility, empathy, and care in students. They will have job roles, a class rotation of care, learn proper handling techniques, as well as the importance of monitoring the gecko’s health. 


Benefits to my students

Students will raise the Leopard Gecko. Having the Leopard Gecko in class will connect to our Florida state standards (SC.5.L.17.1 & SC.5.L.14.2) of comparing and contrasting adaptations displayed by animals and plants that enable them to survive in different environments such as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics. My entire grade level comprised of 150 students and 8 teachers will have the opportunity to be a part of amazing learning opportunity.  


Budget Narrative

The items purchased will be used to set up the Leopard Gecko Habitat. We will use a 20 gallon tank, so students can watch the Leopard Gecko grow throughout the school year. All of the items for the terrarium will keep the Leopard Gecko safe and ensure proper ventilation, maintain a temperature of around 88-92°F on the warm side, and use substrate for the terrarium floor. Regular cleaning and monitoring will be essential for the Leopard Gecko’s health. 



# Item Cost
1 20-gallon long tank $159.99
2 Flat Substrate $7.98
3 2x Calcium Dish $9.99
4 Reptile Cave $19.99
5 Automatic Water Feeder $15.99
6 Leopard Gecko Den Habitat Hideouts $19.99
7 Shale Scape Step Ledge $11.99
8 Reptile Tank Thermometer $7.99
9 Reptile Heating Pad 6x8 $13.99
10 Leopard Gecko from Imperial Reptiles & Exotics $69.99
11 Meal worm treats $6.99
12 Crickets $15.00
13 Calcium Powder with D3 $3.35
14 Fedding Tongs $7.79
15 Reptile Terrarium Cleaner $16.14
16 Paper Towels 12 pack $21.72
  Total: $408.88


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