Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of Macknificient Girls Inc. is to empower young girls 8-10 through faith-based guidance and a comprehensive social and emotional learning program, fostering a supporting community where they can grow, thrive, and support each other. The goal is measurable through several indicators like: participation rates, feedback, behavioral changes, academic and social outcomes, community involvement and retention & growth.

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Macknificient Girls- A girls mentorship program

Mango Elementary School 
Character Development 
Jasmine Mack 
Students Impacted:
July 20, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


In Memory of Elizabeth "Beth" Younker - $366.79


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The goal of Macknificient Girls Inc. is to empower young girls 8-10 through faith-based guidance and a comprehensive social and emotional learning program, fostering a supporting community where they can grow, thrive, and support each other. The goal is measurable through several indicators like: participation rates, feedback, behavioral changes, academic and social outcomes, community involvement and retention & growth. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Macknificient Girls Inc. aims to empower young girls aged 8-10 through faith-based guidance and a comprehensive social and emotional program. The project focuses on fostering a supportive community where girls can grow, thrive, and support each other. The program will include various activities such as social and emotional learning lessons, volunteer opportunities, team bonding activities, field trips, guest speakers, and ongoing support from the Macknificient Mentors.

As far as implementation, I have soft launched this program over the summer in June/July. I plan on starting this at my school after school on Mondays starting September 30th. Each month we will focus on a different social emotional skill as the them.

October-Kindness & Empathy
November/December- Teamwork & Collaboration
January- Leadership & Citizenship
February/March- Resilience & Perseverance
April- Personal Growth
May/June- evaluation and feedback, celebration and planning for the next year

Students will benefit academically being in this program by having improved social skills, enhanced self-confidence, better conflict resolution, increased engagement, and community awareness.


Benefits to my students

The grant for Macknificient Girls Inc. will enable implementation of a comprehensive social and emotional learning program that aims to empower young girls aged 8-10 through faith-based guidance and a supportive community. The expected measurable outcomes align with the project goal of participation rates, feedback, behavioral changes, academic and social outcomes, community involvement and retention & growth. By the end of the year, at least 70% of participants will have improvement in their social and emotional skills (as measured in the pre and post test). For academic improvement at least 75% of students will have increased engagement in class. For behavioral improvement there will be 50% decrease of conflict among participants as tracked by the mentors and teachers as well as a 60% increase in positive behaviors. Lastly, at least 90% of participants will take part in community service projects.

Progress will be measured by:
1. pre and post program surveys from teachers and parents, as well as pre and post social emotional learning test for the students

2. we will have regular observations by mentors and teachers to track behavioral changes, participation, and engagement in activities.

3. we will compare academic performance data before and after the program to measure academic growth 


Budget Narrative

Total cost summary would be around $400, this would help me gather the materials to start this mentorship and make all the girls feel included and welcome. This also would provide them with fun ways to learn and bond with each other. Anything is helpful, thank you! 



# Item Cost
1 conversation cubes from amazon $14.69
2 be kind cubes from amazon $14.99
3 chat chains from amazon $24.99
4 emotional roller coaster from amazon $29.95
5 CBTime game from amazon $55.95
6 totika kohatu- wood rock stacking game from amazon $25.95
7 junior learning 6 conflict resolution games $20.87
8 mind your beeswax $15.99
9 the tower of self esteem $25.99
10 CBTiger therapy cards $20.95
11 50 pack folders from amazon $39.99
12 a little spot of feelings 9 plush toys with activity book box set $40.49
13 ninja life hacks emotions and feelings toy book box $35.99
  Total: $366.79


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