Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project is to get engaging literature in students' hands. They will read the books and create a project to reflect their learning. My goal is for this project to be funded by December, so the kids have time to submit their projects to the county's SLAM showcase. If not, they will still do the projects to share with their classmates.

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High Quality Literature in Hands

grant photo
Belmont Elementary School  
Miquelle Williams 
Students Impacted:
August 27, 2024
December 20, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Tampa Electric Company - $338.73


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The goal of this project is to get engaging literature in students' hands. They will read the books and create a project to reflect their learning. My goal is for this project to be funded by December, so the kids have time to submit their projects to the county's SLAM showcase. If not, they will still do the projects to share with their classmates. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The project will benefit students by encouraging them to read independently for pleasure and to read books that are on, above, and below their reading level in order to improve their reading fluency. These books are selected for their wide appeal, literary value, varied genres, curriculum connections, and/or multicultural representation. This will also benefit students because it will help them with goal setting and organization as they plan and plot out their projects to submit. It will also work on their oral skills as they present their projects to their classmates. 


Benefits to my students

The expected outcome is that students will read more independently by completing a reading log. Students will then take the notes they've collected and apply it to a project to showcase their learning. It is my goal to have students increase their reading stamina from 20 minutes (from third grade) to 30 minutes for fourth grade. I will also give the kids goal sheets to plan out their projects with goals to accomplish. It is my expectation that 80% of my students will average 30 minutes a day. Their projects will be submitted to the school showcase to be voted on for the district showcase. It is my expectation that 50% of my students will submit a project for the media showcase.  


Budget Narrative

12/20/24 deadline
I used the SSYRA 24-25 book list for grades 3-5. I based these prices off of Amazon prices so I can shop in one location. Some books don't offer a paperback version, so I had to go hardcover.
Here is the Amazon list with all the books and their prices: 



# Item Cost
1 The Aquanaut x2 $20.78
2 The Big Sting x2 $17.98
3 Bounded for Home x2 $31.11
4 The Cursed Moon x2 $33.90
5 The Girl Who Built a Spider x2 $17.98
6 Finally Seen x2 $17.98
7 The Grip x2 $17.98
8 Home Away from Home x2 $25.18
9 Manatee Summer x2 $19.98
10 Penny Draws a Best Friend x2 $29.98
11 Future Hero: Race to Fire Mountain x3 $20.97
12 The Shelterlings x2 $19.98
13 Treasure in the Lake x2 $25.98
14 The Ultimate Goal x3 $20.97
15 When Sea Becomes Sky x2 $17.98
  Total: $338.73


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