Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Corr Elementary School is striving to improve our school’s daily attendance from 89.4% to 94% this academic school year. In order to achieve this goal Corr Elementary School Attendance Team has created an Attendance Campaign that will address individual students, classroom and grade level incentives. The campaign will also include a variety of opportunities for parents to learn about the importance of attendance.

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Be present, be powerful

Corr Elementary School 
Character Development 
Lisa Spitaleri 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
July 31, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Hillsborough Education Foundation - $757.00


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Corr Elementary School is striving to improve our school’s daily attendance from 89.4% to 94% this academic school year. In order to achieve this goal Corr Elementary School Attendance Team has created an Attendance Campaign that will address individual students, classroom and grade level incentives. The campaign will also include a variety of opportunities for parents to learn about the importance of attendance.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Last school year Corr Elementary School’s Attendance Team launched an extremely successful Attendance Campaign that educated our students and families about the importance of attendance. This school year we would like to expand the campaign in order to reach more students and families. In order to reach more of our school community for the 24-25 school year the Attendance Campaign, "Be present, be powerful" will increase the monthly incentives and expand resources to families. To get more student involvement each month expansion to the whole grade level versus individual classes will be implemented. Attendance Information tables will be set up for families at each on-campus event throughout the year. The Information tables will consist of literature on the importance of attendance, giveaways and opportunities to participate in raffles. 


Benefits to my students

The Benefits of Increasing Daily Schoolwide Attendance from 89.4% to 94%:
- Increased Academic Performance
- Increase opportunities for students to learn
- Students learn self-discipline, responsibility and persistence
- Students will be able to reach their maximum potential “Be present, be powerful”
- Parents will be educated on the importance of attendance
- Students will have to opportunity to be recognized on the Morning Show
- Students contest work and photos will be displayed on Attendance Bulletin Board



Budget Narrative

Calendar of Monthly Events:

August: Start the year out right photo booth. All students are able to get their photo taken at the “Start the Year Out Right” photo booth. Students will be made aware of the monthly campaign and incentives at this time. The grade level with the best attendance will receive a popcorn party this month.

September: “September Success” Grade level with the best attendance for the month of September will participate in an Ice Cream Party.

October: “On-time October” Grade level with the least amount of tardies will receive a Snow Cone Party.

November: “Thankful for School”. Thank you cards will be distributed to all students. Students will write or draw why they are thankful for school. Forty students will be randomly picked for a Pizza Party. Student will read or display their thank you cards on the morning show.

December: “Determined in December”. The Class with the highest attendance will have a hot cocoa party, cookies, treats and a movie.

January: “Jamming in January”. Students with the most improved attendance will participate in a Valentines Party with cupcakes, juice and Goody Bags. All parents with a “most improved attendance student” will be entered for a chance to win a gift basket (snacks, water bottles, stickers). Parents will receive Recognition Awards for helping to improve their child’s attendance.

February: “Faithful February”. All students will be given a heart to draw or write why they Love Coming to School. Twenty students will win a Pizza Party and have their work displayed on Bulletin Board.

March: “Make it on time March” The top four classes with the least amount of tardies will receive a board game party with chips and juice.

April: “Attend in April”. The top two classes with the best attendance and least amount of tardies will receive a bubble and chalk party with ice pops.

May: We "Mayd" it. Students with Perfect Attendance will be celebrated with a small ceremony and presented with award certificate, ribbon and goodie bag. Parents of students with Perfect Attendance will be entered into a raffle gift basket. Parents will be awarded with a Special Recognition for supporting their child.




# Item Cost
1 Photo Booth props (Amazon) $10.00
2 Popcorn bags (Amazon): $10.00
3 Popcorn (Publix) $45.00
4 Ice Cream Cups (Walmart) $32.00
5 Syrup (Walmart) $30.00
6 Sprinkles (Walmart) $12.00
7 Whipped Cream (Walmart) $30.00
8 Snow Cone Cups (Amazon) $12.00
9 Snow Cone Syrup (Amazon) $20.00
10 Pizza Party (Dominos) $50.00
11 Hot Cocoa (Walmart) $12.00
12 Cookies (Walmart) $15.00
13 Candy Canes (Walmart) $5.00
14 Cupcakes (Walmart) $32.00
15 Treat Bags (Dollar Tree) $8.00
16 Valentine Goodies (Dollar Tree) $25.00
17 Pizza (Hungry Howies) $50.00
18 Juice Bags (Walmart) $30.00
19 Chips (Sam’s) $40.00
20 Icees $6.00
21 Sidewalk Chalk (Walmart): $50.00
22 Bubbles (Walmart) $30.00
23 Juice Bags (Walmart) $20.00
24 Water Bottles (Amazon) $60.00
25 Hand Sanitizer (Amazon) $36.00
26 Stickers (Amazon) $13.00
27 Certificate of Recognition (Amazon) $26.00
28 Attendance Bracelets (Amazon) $20.00
29 Attendance Pencils $28.00
  Total: $757.00


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