Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To engage and motivate students through reading. Empower all students to take ownership of their learning and to make a positive impact in our community.

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Book Buddies

Chiles Elementary School 
English Language Arts 
Lisa Keigher 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 3, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Tampa Electric Company - $1,520.00


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To engage and motivate students through reading. Empower all students to take ownership of their learning and to make a positive impact in our community.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

This project motivates all students through reading. K-2 students will have a reading buddy 3-5 that will visit them several times through the year providing mentorship opportunities. All students will be engaged in the Book Buddies process and will this lead to enhancing our school community. The parents get very excited that their child can experience this opportunity not only as a K-2 student but also from a mentorship aspect in grades 3-5.  


Benefits to my students

Increased student data through state and district assessments in all subject areas. Students will have the opportunity to gain a love for reading by positive interactions with peers. All students will add to the culture of our school and community through this program. All students in K-5 will increase their state and district test scores 20 percent from the BOY to EOY. This data will be measured through iready district assessments and FAST. 


Budget Narrative

We will have one meeting in the fall and one in the spring. PTA has paid for this in the past but because of the rising cost of books they are no longer able to afford to cover all costs. The money will be used to buy the $2 books. I am not able to say which book as of now because it depends on what they will put on sale but they always do.  



# Item Cost
1 380 Books though Scholastic $2 Fall $760.00
2 380 Books though Scholastic $2 Spring $760.00
  Total: $1,520.00


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