Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project is to encourage students to participate in class and gain a feeling of pride in their work. Students do not always perceive their progress as we do, so giving them a chance to earn desirable prizes such as snacks and fidgets, will help students notice their own awesomeness and continue their forward momentum.
This year, I've created a small booklet that includes a page to breakdown their goals, then a tracker for each school day to track their aims, gains, and general academic standing. After the 6th week, students will complete a mid-quart reflection that will help them identify where their progress in reaching their academic goals are, including what their current grade is and their realistic goal grade for the end of quarter is. At the end of the quarter, students will reflect again to see what they feel they did well with, what they need to work on, and whether or not they achieved their goal. Students who reach their academic goals will be eligible for a prize. These students will be celebrated in front of the class in a Goal-getter Ceremony (if they wish) to truly make them feel pride in themselves and their goals.
One aspect I like about this system is that it meets students where they are and allows them to see that they can be successful when they give themselves realistic and obtainable goals.

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The reward of progress

grant photo
Blake Senior High School 
English Language Arts 
Teah Banks 
Students Impacted:
August 8, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Hillsborough Education Foundation - $308.72


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The goal of this project is to encourage students to participate in class and gain a feeling of pride in their work. Students do not always perceive their progress as we do, so giving them a chance to earn desirable prizes such as snacks and fidgets, will help students notice their own awesomeness and continue their forward momentum.
This year, I've created a small booklet that includes a page to breakdown their goals, then a tracker for each school day to track their aims, gains, and general academic standing. After the 6th week, students will complete a mid-quart reflection that will help them identify where their progress in reaching their academic goals are, including what their current grade is and their realistic goal grade for the end of quarter is. At the end of the quarter, students will reflect again to see what they feel they did well with, what they need to work on, and whether or not they achieved their goal. Students who reach their academic goals will be eligible for a prize. These students will be celebrated in front of the class in a Goal-getter Ceremony (if they wish) to truly make them feel pride in themselves and their goals.
One aspect I like about this system is that it meets students where they are and allows them to see that they can be successful when they give themselves realistic and obtainable goals.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

This project will benefit students by providing them a purpose that is more aligned with their thinking (aka, if grades aren't a reason they want to succeed, prizes will likely do the trick). Not only will this provide students with a renewed desire in their work, it will also solidify the pride they have in themselves and their work. Additionally, the prizes will be fidget items that are designed to assist students in stress relief and focus and food items that teens are constantly craving.  


Benefits to my students

1) Students will identify, breakdown, and track their academic goals through daily beginning and end of class procedures.
2) Students will meet with teacher weekly or bi-weekly (Fridays) to review their week self-monitoring tracker and discuss strategies to improve.
3) At mid-quarter, students will reflect on the first half of the quarter and if they are at least 50% towards their goal (such as wanting an A and they are at a high C) then they will get a minor prize (candy or chips)
4) Students will once again reflect on their self-documentation and meet with the teacher to verify that they've met their goals. If they have, they will get a high-ranking prize (fidgets) if they almost make their goal they will get a mid-prize (motivational squishy stars), if they make gains but don't get in the range of their goals then they will get a low-ranking prize (candy), no gains no prize. 


Budget Narrative




# Item Cost
1 $35.99
2 $55.99
3 $13.99
4 $22.43
5 $34.97
6 $21.48
7 $44.99
8 $22.43
9 $34.97
10 $21.48
  Total: $308.72


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