Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The main goal(s) of introducing Latin American instruments are to foster a deep appreciation for their or another classmate's cultural heritage, to enhance the student's understanding and demonstration of skills and techniques within these particular instruments, and to promote creativity and confidence within a new musical realm. Many of these students know and have seen these instruments before BUT, they have never held or personally interacted with them.
This integrative approach ensures that music education is culturally rich, and aligned with broader curricular goals.

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The Latin American Arts

grant photo
Highlands Elementary 
Alexander MacDonald 
Students Impacted:
August 27, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Lipman Family Farms - $1,892.98


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The main goal(s) of introducing Latin American instruments are to foster a deep appreciation for their or another classmate's cultural heritage, to enhance the student's understanding and demonstration of skills and techniques within these particular instruments, and to promote creativity and confidence within a new musical realm. Many of these students know and have seen these instruments before BUT, they have never held or personally interacted with them.
This integrative approach ensures that music education is culturally rich, and aligned with broader curricular goals. 



Physical Education Equipment - Rackets, bats, balls, nets, jump ropes, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Considering these instruments are part of Mexican and the Latin American arts, the students will participate in a myriad of lessons, demonstrations, and performances pertaining to many cultures. Lessons can include hands-on instrument exploration, where students learn to play traditional and modern versions of instruments, including the Timbales and Accordion. These lessons can be complemented by interactive performances where students showcase their skills and compositions. Overall, this combination of cultural education, technical skill-building, and creative exploration provides a rich, multidimensional learning experience. 


Benefits to my students

Introducing new Mexican and Latin American instruments to young elementary students offers a transformative impact by immersing them in a rich cultural experience while fostering their musical development. Engaging with these instruments helps students build a tangible connection to their own musical traditions, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. The hands-on experience with versions of traditional instruments stimulates curiosity and creativity, allowing students to explore unique sounds and rhythms. As they learn to play and create music, students not only develop fundamental musical skills but also boost their confidence, self-expression, and teamwork. This integration of cultural education with practical musical skills enrich and enhance their overall learning experience, making music both an educational and enjoyable adventure for all students and teachers.  


Budget Narrative

The allocated funds will be utilized solely (100%) for purchasing an Accordion, a full timbales set with sticks, and a student-level bass guitar.  



# Item Cost
1 Latin Percussion Tito Puente LP258-BZ 15" & 16" "Thunder Timbs" Timbales, Bronze $929.99
2 Hohner 3100GB Panther Diatonic Accordion, GCF Tuning $739.00
3 Vic Firth World Classic SAA Alex Acuna Conquistador Timbale Sticks $24.00
4 Ibanez GIO SR GSRM20BK miKro Short-Scale Electric Bass, Black $199.99
  Total: $1,892.98


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