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My goal is for students to have the Math Thinker Learning System to provide a hands-on learning experience to help my students truly understand math concepts such as addition and subtraction.

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Math Stackers

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McDonald Elementary School 
Kathryn Laubach 
Students Impacted:
January 22, 2025


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Hillsborough Education Foundation - $315.00


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My goal is for students to have the Math Thinker Learning System to provide a hands-on learning experience to help my students truly understand math concepts such as addition and subtraction. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

I am requesting funding for The Math Thinker learning system. This is a hands-on learning resource that helps students truly understand math through being able to use math stackers to learn various mathematical concepts. With this set, my students will have 96 durable foam blocks to utilize in small group instruction. It comes with station cards that provide ready-to-use activities to differentiate learning to meet the needs of all students. This learning system also provides an exclusive professional development platform that includes extensive videos of teachers utilizing this system with students, problem solving tutorials, and current webinars to continue sparking fresh and creative ways to utilize math stackers in the classroom.

Math Stackers are not limited to one specific area of math content but has wide reaching implications of math content throughout the entire first grade curriculum and benchmarks. Some of the grade level content areas I can use this system with are counting, addition and subtraction (NSO.2.1, NSO.2.2, AR.1.1, AR.1.2, AR.2.2, AR.2.3), part-part-whole relationships (NSO.2.2), ordering and comparing numbers (NSO.1.4), and composing and decomposing numbers (NSO.2.2). Math Stackers also supports fluency as students learn how to break apart and join numbers along with understanding equalities. I can also use this system to support my Math Tier 3 students who are struggling with Kindergarten mathematical concepts such as counting and number recognition (K.NSO.1.3, K.NSO.2.3), subitizing, comparing numbers (K.NSO.1.4), composing and decomposing within 10 (K.AR.1.2) and one to one correspondence.

The timeline for implementation would be immediate. I would work with students in small groups to use these manipulatives while specifically targeting areas of struggle, specifically focusing on the Number Sense and Operations domain this year. This system would be a resource that I would integrate throughout my teaching and content to better support my student understanding with the mathematical content. Future implementation would include using this system throughout the entire school year for as many standards and content as possible.


Benefits to my students

Since these manipulatives are reusable, not only will all my current 37 students benefit from this project, but countless students will benefit from the Math Thinker Learning System in my classroom in the future.

My projected outcome is that students will increase their performance in the Number Sense and Operations domain from 14% of students scoring proficiently on grade level compiled from the Fall I-Ready Math Diagnostic in PM1. Using the Math Thinker Learning System in small group instruction, 54% of my students will score on grade level in PM3 (in May), in the Number Sense and Operations domain. 


Budget Narrative 



# Item Cost
1 The Math Thinker Kit $315.00
  Total: $315.00


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