Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To produce a high-quality musical production of "Alice by Heart" and transform a plain classroom into a fully-equipped black box theater, providing our school's theater program with a true home and fostering creativity, teamwork, and artistic expression among our students. theater saves lives and gives students a reason to come to school. Our biggest goal is to create a home space for that at our school.

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Theater production and production space

Tarpon Springs High School 
Antonia West 
Students Impacted:
September 10, 2023

0% Funded



Only $19,975.00 Needed



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To produce a high-quality musical production of "Alice by Heart" and transform a plain classroom into a fully-equipped black box theater, providing our school's theater program with a true home and fostering creativity, teamwork, and artistic expression among our students. theater saves lives and gives students a reason to come to school. Our biggest goal is to create a home space for that at our school.  


What will be done with my students

Project Description:
Our school is committed to promoting artistic and creative education, and we recognize the transformative power of the performing arts in the lives of our students. We aim to create a dynamic and inclusive theater program that not only produces outstanding performances but also nurtures a passion for the arts and enhances the overall educational experience.

Production of "Alice by Heart":
The first part of this grant proposal is dedicated to producing a high-quality musical adaptation of "Alice by Heart," a compelling and imaginative story that resonates with young audiences. This is a very special and unique circumstance because this musical will only have the rights out for one year and we will be among the first high schools to produce it in the country.

Transformation of a Plain Classroom into a Black Box Theater:
The second part of this grant proposal aims to convert an underutilized plain classroom into a fully functional black box theater. The benefits of this transformation include:

1. Space Utilization: Maximizing the use of school facilities by creating a dedicated theater space for rehearsals, performances, and other artistic activities.

2. Flexibility: A black box theater allows for versatile staging, accommodating a variety of productions, including plays, musicals, improv, and small-scale performances.

3. Technical Equipment: Equipping the theater with essential lighting, sound, and staging equipment to facilitate professional-level productions and provide valuable technical training for students.

By supporting this grant, you will help us create a vibrant and inclusive theater program, enriching the lives of our students and enhancing our school's cultural and educational offerings. We believe that this investment in the arts will have a lasting positive impact on our students and community. 


Benefits to my students

Alice by Heart production:
1. Artistic Excellence: To provide our students with an opportunity to engage in a comprehensive theatrical experience that focuses on acting, singing, and dancing while delivering a professional-quality performance.

2. **Inclusivity:** To cast a diverse range of students, encouraging participation from students of all backgrounds and fostering an inclusive and equitable environment.

3. Educational Impact: To enhance the educational experience of our students by integrating classroom learning with practical theater skills, promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

4. Community Engagement: To offer our local community an enriching cultural experience and strengthen our school's ties with the wider community.

Black Box Theater:

1. Curriculum Enhancement: Enhancing our theater program's curriculum by incorporating technical theater training and design, giving students a well-rounded theater education.

2. Community Building: Creating a space where students can collaborate, learn, and connect through the performing arts, fostering a sense of belonging and teamwork.


Describe the Students

In the theater program I serve, we have a diverse range of students, each with their unique abilities, talents, and interests. Our program is committed to inclusivity and offers opportunities for students from all backgrounds and abilities to participate and excel. Here's a description of the different types of students we serve, from Exceptional Student Education (ESE) to Advanced Placement (AP) students:

1. Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Students:
- ESE students in our theater program may have various exceptionalities, including but not limited to autism, learning disabilities, or emotional and behavioral disorders.
- We provide a supportive and inclusive environment for ESE students, offering adapted learning strategies and accommodations to ensure they can participate fully in the theater experience.
- Our program values the unique talents and perspectives that ESE students bring to the stage, fostering an environment where everyone's contributions are celebrated.

2. General Education Students:
- The majority of our theater program participants are general education students who come from diverse academic backgrounds.
- These students may have varying levels of experience in theater, ranging from beginners to intermediate or advanced performers.
- We provide a curriculum that caters to the needs of all students, offering introductory courses for beginners and advanced training for those with more experience.

3. Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) Students:
- We are proud to have a group of highly motivated and talented honors and AP students in our theater program.
- These students often take on leadership roles, both on and off the stage, and have a strong commitment to their craft.
- They may participate in advanced theater classes, where they delve deeper into dramatic literature, theory, and performance techniques.
- Honors and AP students are frequently involved in directing, producing, and designing aspects of our productions, contributing to the overall excellence of our theater program.

4. Multidisciplinary Interests:
- Our theater program attracts students with a wide range of interests beyond acting, including those interested in technical theater (e.g., lighting design, sound engineering, set construction), costume and makeup design, playwriting, and stage management.
- We encourage students to explore these diverse aspects of theater and provide opportunities for them to specialize in their areas of interest.

5. Diverse Cultural and Socioeconomic Backgrounds:
- Our theater program is inclusive of students from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
- We celebrate this diversity, fostering an environment where students can learn from each other and gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives through storytelling and performance.

In our theater program, we believe that every student has the potential for growth and success. We strive to create an inclusive, supportive, and challenging environment that allows students to explore their creative passions, develop valuable life skills, and build a sense of community and belonging. Whether they are ESE students, general education students, or honors/AP students, all are integral members of our vibrant theater family. 


Budget Narrative

1. Production Costs: Including licensing fees, costumes, props, set construction materials, and professional direction and choreography.

2. Theater Transformation: Renovation costs for converting the classroom into a black box theater, including lighting and sound equipment, seating, and stage construction.

3. Educational Materials: Books, scripts, and educational resources to support the integration of theater education into the curriculum.

4. Community Engagement: Marketing and outreach to ensure the community is aware of and participates in our productions. 



# Item Cost
1 Licensing fees $3,000.00
2 Costumes $2,000.00
3 Props $1,000.00
4 Set $5,000.00
5 Professional Hires $1,000.00
6 Lighting $1,000.00
7 Sound $1,000.00
8 Stage construction $2,000.00
9 Black Box curtains $2,000.00
10 Theater resources $2,000.00
  Total: $20,000.00

0% Funded



Only $19,975.00 Needed



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