Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to create a classroom environment where we are like a family. Students will be respectful to one another and work in teams to earn points each week. To follow our Social Studies curriculum (history of the state of Florida), we will name our teams after Florida cities and change our names each month by studying Florida maps.

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Creating the Ultimate Positive Classroom Climate

Lely Elementary 
Character Education 
Stephanie Irish 
Students Impacted:
July 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,560.00 Needed



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My goal is to create a classroom environment where we are like a family. Students will be respectful to one another and work in teams to earn points each week. To follow our Social Studies curriculum (history of the state of Florida), we will name our teams after Florida cities and change our names each month by studying Florida maps. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students will learn to work in teams to earn points towards our weekly contest. When the whole team has their books out and turned to correct page, they earn a point. Neat and clean desks, point. Participating in class activities, point. The kids will complete team challenges as well to learn about each other.
Students will draw on the lab coats at the end of each science unit to show what they learned and have an amazing visual of their year at the end of the school year.
I also run a classroom store. Students can earn classroom money as they independently complete classroom jobs, get caught being kind and doing the right thing. Every Friday they can purchase an item from the classroom store such as slime, a fidget spinner, a mechanical pencil, or stress ball. Students need to decide if they want to spend $5 on an item this week or save their money for a more expensive item to purchase in a couple of weeks. Students love the classroom store and the freedom of choosing what they're spending it on. 


Benefits to my students

My students will get along as if they're a family. We will work together as a class to create a culture of positivity and make our year together amazing. 


Budget Narrative

This project will benefit all fourth grade students at Lely Elementary School. 



# Item Cost
1 Science lab coats and fabric markers $450.00
2 Test blockers $60.00
3 Florida maps $300.00
4 Globe $60.00
5 Birthday stickers and pencils $40.00
6 Weekly rewards for team points $250.00
7 Items for classroom store $400.00
  Total: $1,560.00

0% Funded



Only $1,560.00 Needed



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