Statewide Reach for Local Impact


This grant will empower students and parents at Aubrey Rogers High as they journey through high school and prepare for the future. Students and parents will be able to work alongside the school counselor, to take control of their education and help them plan rigorous coursework, successful course completions, and college/university selections along with preparations. The stakeholders will be knowledgeable in all course requirements and strategies, which will help them be successful in selecting course offerings, while learning to decrease stress and anxiety. Students will be able to create a successful and rigorous high school plan, which will help make them competitive and their post secondary applications stand out from the crowd.

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Success at Aubrey Rogers High and Beyond

grant photo
Aubrey Rogers High 
School-wide program 
Milagros Lee 
Students Impacted:
July 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $290.00 Needed



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This grant will empower students and parents at Aubrey Rogers High as they journey through high school and prepare for the future. Students and parents will be able to work alongside the school counselor, to take control of their education and help them plan rigorous coursework, successful course completions, and college/university selections along with preparations. The stakeholders will be knowledgeable in all course requirements and strategies, which will help them be successful in selecting course offerings, while learning to decrease stress and anxiety. Students will be able to create a successful and rigorous high school plan, which will help make them competitive and their post secondary applications stand out from the crowd.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be actively involved in setting up their four year high school journey, while tying into their plans upon graduation. Incoming freshman will have a list of course offerings and access to educational, content created videos. The content creations will be set up to help students and their parents breakdown and understand Department of Education courses, strategies needed to help make the student successful, to assist in stress reduction, and tethering the courses into the student's future plans. Students will meet with me initially as a group to receive general information and obtain access to content creations along with informational guides. Once the students have their initial plan in place, they will meet with me individually to work out details and answer any questions. The plan will be a shared effort with their parent/guardian and if necessary, more one on one assistance will be provided and appointments will be set up. This process will be also be available to the current tenth through twelfth grade students, though ideally it is best to start with the incoming freshmen. 


Benefits to my students

The videos and course content will provide clear and detailed information for each curriculum content area in line with the Florida Department of Education. I will be able to provide clear course information, expectations, techniques and strategies, that will help the student be successful and earn outstanding grades. The content will be placed on the Collier District Canvas Platform for all students to access, regardless of their grade level. The video content will be updated as courses are added to our second year curriculum and beyond. These strategies will be helpful in assisting students take control of their learning, which will in turn help decrease the stress and anxiety levels they encounter. Upon the first year of completion, I will be able to make any adjustments and share the process with my fellow counselors, in order to incorporate uniformity throughout the student cohorts that follow. 


Budget Narrative

Equipment will be used for years to come as the content is updated yearly to reflect the courses offered at Aubrey Rogers. All grade levels will have access to the information and can be used next year during the new, incoming student orientation. 



# Item Cost
1 Ring Light $70.00
2 Microphones Wireless $50.00
3 Camera $170.00
  Total: $290.00

0% Funded



Only $290.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners