Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to promote a successful learning environment where all students are actively engaged, with equitable resources to benefit each learner. While all students have access to their own district-provided laptop, not all students have access to quality headphones, which allow students to hear clearly while working on independent digital lessons. A classroom set of quality, comfortable, and durable headphones, and earbuds for students would assist students to feel secure and successful when working independently with the laptops.

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"Hear" to Succeed!

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Stephanie Scalise 
Students Impacted:
July 13, 2024

0% Funded



Only $82.62 Needed



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My goal is to promote a successful learning environment where all students are actively engaged, with equitable resources to benefit each learner. While all students have access to their own district-provided laptop, not all students have access to quality headphones, which allow students to hear clearly while working on independent digital lessons. A classroom set of quality, comfortable, and durable headphones, and earbuds for students would assist students to feel secure and successful when working independently with the laptops.




Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Although headphones are listed as a suggested back to school supply, very few students bring this item. With access to a classroom set of headphones, I would be able to provide all students with a choice of headphones or earbuds to keep and use in class. Each pair of headphones or earbuds will be labeled with the student’s name, as well as a bag or earbud case to help with storage and organization. One thing I have noticed is that not all students prefer headphones. Usually, students who wear glasses prefer the earbuds because the headphones hurt their ears.

Students have daily access to multiple district approved digital resources to help enhance their learning and achievement. Providing students with comfortable headphones or earbuds will help eliminate distractions and create a more equitable and focused learning environment. These headsets will be used daily to increase focus and clarity while using various learning tools.  


Benefits to my students

Students are required to utilize district provided digital programs daily, to support growth and learning in Reading and Math. Both programs help to monitor student progress throughout the year. i-Ready is one example. It is an online program for reading that is combined of two components: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction. In third grade, all students are assessed three times throughout the school year to monitor reading progress. Students are evaluated on the five domains of literacy: phonological awareness, phonics, high frequency, vocabulary, comprehension of literature, and comprehension of informational texts. Based on the results of each Diagnostic, personalized instruction is provided to students with lessons based on individual skill levels and needs. The lessons are interactive and engaging, but only when students can hear the content, without the distractions of classroom noise or non-working headphones. Students must be able to concentrate on lessons to be successful, especially when working with phonological awareness activities (hearing and listening for specific sounds in words), phonics (connecting sounds to specific letters and letter groups) and listening comprehension activities. This is just one example of an important research-based program that can help students to improve literacy skills. With access to comfortable and quality headphones or earbuds, all students will be able to hear what needs to be heard to increase student achievement. With the use of these headphones and earbuds, students will be able to focus and hear the information with clarity, accuracy and will work longer and harder as their frustration levels will decrease. I know that these tools will allow my students to progress and grow in their abilities. This grant will allow all my students to become skilled readers, improved mathematicians, and outstanding students  


Budget Narrative

6 additional headphones will ensure one headphone for each student, with extras for new students who transfer during the school year. Thank you so much for considering my grant.  



# Item Cost
1 Kids Headphones - noot products K11 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free 3.5mm $13.77
2 Kids Headphones - noot products K11 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free 3.5mm $13.77
3 Kids Headphones - noot products K11 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free 3.5mm $13.77
4 Kids Headphones - noot products K11 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free 3.5mm $13.77
5 Kids Headphones - noot products K11 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free 3.5mm $13.77
6 Kids Headphones - noot products K11 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free 3.5mm $13.77
  Total: $82.62

0% Funded



Only $82.62 Needed



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