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My students would benefit greatly from small individual dry erase marker boards and erasers to use during class instruction so I am able to monitor understanding of each student during a lesson.

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Brain Checks! ✅

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Stephanie Scalise 
Students Impacted:
July 13, 2024

0% Funded



Only $38.15 Needed



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My students would benefit greatly from small individual dry erase marker boards and erasers to use during class instruction so I am able to monitor understanding of each student during a lesson.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

We frequently have whole group mini lessons throughout the day. Having dry erase boards during this time will help me know who is understanding the topic and who is not. When I ask a question, the children can quickly jot down their answer on the dry erase board and put it up so I can see it. I can make a note of who needs extra support before even moving on to the next step.

Giving students their own individual white board will allow me to constantly monitor understanding of EVERY child and not just the few that volunteer answers daily, we call them BRAIN CHECKS in our class.
Having dry erase boards will also be helpful during small group time. We can use them during small group to do quick assessments as well, so that we are saving paper.  


Benefits to my students

The students in my 3rd grade classroom come from a variety of multicultural backgrounds. Many of these students are just beginning to learn the English language but have a hard time reading and writing in English.

Our student population is home to a very diverse community, such as but not limited to: Haitian creole, Hispanic, Asian, multi racial, white and African American.
These students come to me with various learning styles with limited knowledge of reading and writing in the English language.

Their academic needs are sometimes one to two grade levels below their current grade because of the gap between the student's native language and the English language. They have an insatiable appetite for learning anything related to math, engineering, science and the arts. I would like to provide the opportunity to quench their thirst.

With individual white boards and erasers I am constantly able to monitor understanding of every single child. This will limit the students falling through the cracks during a lesson and missing key components before moving on.



Budget Narrative

Dry Erase Lapboard Class Pack, Includes 26 Each of Whiteboards, 2 Inch Felt Erasers and Black Dry Erase Markers.  



# Item Cost
1 Dry Erase LapBoards, PANDRI 26 Pack Double Sided 12.5 x 9 Inch Whiteboards $38.15
  Total: $38.15

0% Funded



Only $38.15 Needed



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