Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Our goal is to encourage and motivate ALL children to read and to continue to inspire and develop a love of reading in ALL children.

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Find Treasure in a Book

grant photo
Shadowlawn Elementary 
Language Arts 
Amy Ogletree 
Students Impacted:
July 14, 2024

0% Funded



Only $192.20 Needed



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Our goal is to encourage and motivate ALL children to read and to continue to inspire and develop a love of reading in ALL children.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The children at Shadowlawn Elementary will benefit from this grant's reading incentive program. The students will select library books from the Shadowlawn Media Center that are appropriate for their independent reading levels. Each student will read their books at their own pace before completing a brief Accelerated Reading assessment to ensure they understood what they had read. Students will receive points once they pass the test. They more they read the more points they will receive. The students will set goals and track and monitor their progress. They will receive their brag tags for their necklaces when they reach particular point increments.  


Benefits to my students

Personalizing student practice, setting goals, and providing a way to track progress towards those goals are the keys to assuring success in reading. This will raise the students reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency levels. Reading and receiving brag tags will help students build personal responsibility toward increasing their reading achievement by allowing them to set quantifiable reading goals and track their own progress. The children will also realize that they are a part of a larger school community as they track not just their own but also the goals of their classrooms, grades, and the entire institution. The Brag Tags honor the accomplishments of the students and celebrate their success! 


Budget Narrative

All brag tags will be ordered from

Subtotal $181.80
Shipping & Handling (United States Postal Service - Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box) $10.40
Total $192.20 



# Item Cost
1 Brag Tags from $181.80
2 Shipping & Handling (United States Postal Service - Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box) $10.40 $10.40
  Total: $192.20

0% Funded



Only $192.20 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners