Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The purpose of Sheehy's Student Principal Advisory Committee is to empower our 3rd - 5th grade scholars to have a voice to influence better attendance, behavior, and academic outcome school wide for over 400 scholars. Sheehy's Principal Advisory Committee will be a mentoring, leadership program, and empowerment opportunity for scholars. Our Student Principal Advisory Committee will also foster a sense of belonging for our school community and state holders. The primary goal is to influence change and action steps to move our school group from a 37% D rated school to a 54% B rated school. The percents are based on the state's school rating system. Moving our school grade will ensure our students have acquired the academic knowledge and discipline to be strong contributors in our community and empower them to achieve their lifelong goals.

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Student Principal Advisory Committee

grant photo
Sheehy Elementary School 
Character Development 
Demetria Geathers 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
July 15, 2024

50% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed



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The purpose of Sheehy's Student Principal Advisory Committee is to empower our 3rd - 5th grade scholars to have a voice to influence better attendance, behavior, and academic outcome school wide for over 400 scholars. Sheehy's Principal Advisory Committee will be a mentoring, leadership program, and empowerment opportunity for scholars. Our Student Principal Advisory Committee will also foster a sense of belonging for our school community and state holders. The primary goal is to influence change and action steps to move our school group from a 37% D rated school to a 54% B rated school. The percents are based on the state's school rating system. Moving our school grade will ensure our students have acquired the academic knowledge and discipline to be strong contributors in our community and empower them to achieve their lifelong goals. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The vision of Student Principal Advisory Committee is to create a space that will empower scholars to grow in a leadership role and have a voice for themselves, the student body, and community. Student leaders will understand the school data in kid friendly language and influence the decisions that make school meaningful and engaging for all learners. With Sheehy being a D rated school under state supervision, we need our scholars to be invested in our school, own the data, and give input on how to move our school community forward. The Student Principal Advisory Committee will learn how to advocate for the needs of the entire student body and understand the impact discipline data, attendance data, and academic data has on student success. The Student Principal Advisory Committee will use their voice and leadership skills to address areas for improvement and influence change. The Student Principal Advisory Committee will ultimately benefit all students from PreK - 5th grade and create a sense of belonging. Student survey data, district family insight survey data, and state data will be used to measure the impact of Sheehy’s Student Advisory committee. Students will meet bi-weekly with the school principal and assistant principal to review school wide expectations, data, and determine next steps for celebrations.

Student Principal Advisory Committee will hold quarterly data focus groups with parents, students, and community stake holders. Students will review the quarterly attendance data, discipline data, and academic data with stake holders and look for trends, opportunities, and celebrations. Principal Advisory Committee scholars will also plan school wide celebrations for students meeting attendance, behavior, and academic goals. Students will prepare for the focus group meeting during their bi-weekly meetings with the school principal, assistant principal, and leadership team.

The ultimate goal is for our students to own the learning that is happening in our school building and have thoughtful and intentional conversations to continuously improve student outcomes. 


Benefits to my students

Scholars in Principal Student Advisory Committee will have the opportunity to sit at the table with school level and district leaders to inform and influence school-wide decisions as it relates to attendance, behavior, and academics. Students will have the opportunity to problem solve and present solutions. Student Principal Advisory Committee scholars will be the voice for the student body and communicate concerns, ideas, and incentives to school leaders. Principal Student Advisory Committee scholars will also have the opportunity to lead incentives and programs throughout the school year such as the quarterly focus groups. With a school grade of a D and the state coming in to support our academic needs, it's imperative that we partner with our scholars and hear from them. It's imperative that we create a sense of belonging for our scholars to move our school grade from a 37% B to a 54% B.

At the end of the semester or school year, we will take our scholars on an off campus dine-out field trip to review our data and celebrate our achievements. This will also be an incentive for scholars who actively participate in the Student Advisory Committee.

Students Advisory Committee Big Rocks, Action Steps, and Meetings:
- Bi-Weekly Meetings with Principals and Leadership Team
- Quarterly Stake Holders Focus Groups to review attendance, behavior, and academic data
- Quarterly Student Incentives
- Data Analysis meetings prior to Focus Group meetings
- Survey the student body regarding concerns, opportunities, and celebrations
- Student Leader when community and district stakeholders are on campus
- Work closely with leadership to move the school forward
- College or High School Student Government visit
- Dine Out Experience Incentive and Data Review
- Plan Student Incentives
- Be the voice for the student body

Lastly, we would like to take our scholars in the Student Principal Advisory Committee on a college visit or to a local high school and meet with their student government. The purpose of this filed trip is to expose our scholars to the opportunities and impact of student’s voice once they leave Sheehy.


Budget Narrative

The items purchased will support the program for the entire school year. T-shirts will be purchased through a school approved vendor. Snacks and Refreshments will be purchased through Amazon, Sam's Club, or Costco. Dine out Experience will be at a local restaurant. The Dine out experience will be during December or April to review data, trends, opportunities, and next steps. Supplies will be purchased through Staples and Amazon. The college or High School visit with defer the cost of transportation to a local high school or college and lunch while on the visit. 



# Item Cost
1 Student Principal Advisory T-shirt $375.00
2 Monthly S-PAC Snacks for Scholars $450.00
3 Quarterly Data Focus Group Refreshments $500.00
4 End of Year Dine Out Experience $425.00
5 Supplies for Student/Parent Communication Newsletters & Focus Groups $100.00
6 Local College and/or High School Visit to meet w/Student Government $150.00
  Total: $2,000.00

50% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed



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