Statewide Reach for Local Impact


In the wake of dismal nationwide teacher attrition data, I aim to do everything in my power to prevent Literacy teacher turnover at Burnett Middle School this school year.

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Help Us Keep Our Literacy Teachers!*

Burnett Middle School 
English Language Arts 
Ebony Gregory 
Students Impacted:
July 15, 2024

46% Funded



Only $296.77 Needed



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In the wake of dismal nationwide teacher attrition data, I aim to do everything in my power to prevent Literacy teacher turnover at Burnett Middle School this school year. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Did you know that high-poverty schools experience the most teacher turnover? At Burnett Middle School, heavy literacy vacancies and long-term substitute teachers filling in, has vastly impacted students.

Burnett is a Title I, Transformation Network school where less than half of our 6-8 students read at grade-level. As Burnett's Literacy Coach for nearly 5 years, I've seen Literacy teachers walk away from teaching at an alarming rate post-COVID.

Our students, who happen to be mostly minority, deserve to have the best Intensive Reading, strongest ELA and most amazing Critical Thinking teachers leading remarkable lessons. That's not exactly the case. We have difficulty attracting good literacy teachers and it's a task to keep 'em.

A 2022 article entitled "Teacher Retention: Preventing Teacher Turnover," states, "losing experienced instructors to teacher turnover has a direct impact on students." At Burnett our ELA and Reading teachers double as role models and mentors for our babies who oftentimes lack structure and positive adult relationships outside of school walls. It hurts our kids in more ways than one when their favorite reading teacher leaves and doesn't come back.

With your help, as Burnett's Literacy Coach, I would be able to provide Literacy teachers with snacks to munch on during PLCs, PD, and lesson planning sessions. I would be excited to bless my teachers with end-of-quarter drink tumblers, gift bags with pens and goodies inside. Even thank you cards to tangibly show my humble appreciation and stave off teacher burnout. In fact, a 2022 National Education Association (NEA) survey cited "burnout as a serious issue" for 90% of educators polled nationwide.

I'd like to create a collegial environment among my Literacy teachers in which meetings are lively and coaching is fun!

Please help me treat Burnett's Literacy teachers with their own spiral meeting notebooks specially designed to capture important data and department updates. I'd like to gift them with cool IEP goal tracking sheets for the vital task of monitoring the literacy classroom accommodations for Burnett's most vulnerable population of kiddos with disabilities.

I'd like to use a small portion of the HEF grant to replace my rolling tote bag lovingly known as my "mobile classroom on wheels." I spend the bulk of my workday weaving in and out of Burnett's 3 massive buildings daily to model lessons and co-teach with our newbie Literacy teachers, for example. My old rolling cart is tattered from overuse last school year.

Additionally, I'm also requesting funds for a small, portable dry erase board that I can use in my rolling cart with teachers and students in different classrooms.

Also, I'll need 6 little stools for use with my small group pull-outs students.

With your help, Burnett's Reading and ELA teachers will stay and scores will soar! Just watch!  


Benefits to my students

Burnett Middle School's 12 ELA, Intensive Reading and Critical Thinking teachers will remain employed at Burnett for the entirety of the 2024-25 school year.  


Budget Narrative

Funds listed above to be used for Literacy teacher meetings, lesson planning sessions and to enhance teacher interaction (collegiality.) Also, items 8,9,10 are requested to enhance Literacy coach work with teachers and students at Burnett Middle School.
Ms. Gregory is the Reading Coach.  



# Item Cost
1 Bulk teacher thank you cards w/ envelopes. Paper Frenzy (Amazon) 25 pack. American Greetings Teacher Thank you card 48 count (Amazon) $17.99 $28.98
2 Teacher snacks: (Sams Club) Nature's Valley Chewy Trail Mix 48 ct. $15.98, Nature's Valley Sweet & Salty Granola Bars 36 ct. $11.98, Pop Chips Mix 36 ct. $14.98, Frito Lay Baked Variety 30 ct. 18.48, Reese's Cups 65 ct. $9.98, Jolly Rancher & Twizzlers bg 270 pcs $15.98 $87.08
3 Teacher Survival Kit Pouches 12 pouches (Amazon) $45.99
4 Employee Appreciation stainless steel drink tumblers 12 pcs. $46.99
5 Popcornopolis gift cones variety pack 12 count (Sams Club) $20.98
6 Meeting notebooks (Amazon) 10 count@ 6.99 each $69.90
7 IEP Goal Tracking Sheets (Amazon) 10 count @ 7.99 each $79.90
8 Small Magnetic dry erase portable whiteboard (Amazon) $35.97
9 Rolling Teacher Tote Bag (Amazon) $67.99
10 6-pack Steel Stack Stools (Amazon)** $62.99
  Total: $546.77

46% Funded



Only $296.77 Needed



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