Statewide Reach for Local Impact


First, my goal this year is to roll out what we call “Socratic Seminars” to kindergarten through 5th Grade. This is a teaching strategy through AVID that provides students with enriching text to have conversations and build reasoning skills to help them become successful in the coming years. The lessons I’m building have to do with students understanding the most important tool they own, Their brain and the different brain states. In the first weeks of school, we will investigate the importance of “how we create various connections”. We will explore activities that show how we need to take in information by seeing, saying and doing tasks that are going to build neuroplasticity and axion connectivity (these are adult terms, depending on grade-level different terms will be used). This includes collaborative discussions, team activities to develop listening, analyzation and reasoning skills.

This is when the splitters come more into play. The splitters will allow the students to listen to one device between the students. One computer muted the other they are listening on together. However, they both have the text in front of them. During these activities the teacher will have an essential question or lesson goal that the students must be accomplishing- As we are an AVID elementary school this could include the use of graphic organizers, question stems or project creations using the WICOR structures (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading) skills obtainment structure. During this time teachers can be monitoring students and providing targeted supports and feedback to assist the learning groups. The two port slitters allow for scaffolding, ELL support opportunities and putting the dialogue onto the students while allowing the teacher to monitor engagement, output and needs. The five port splitters can be used in rotational groups while the teacher is pulling targeted learning small groups addressing standards weakness.

These little tech helpers will increase vocabulary, building student connections, increase teamwork/ conversational skills and overall increase of student ownership and engagement.

Jessica A. Wilhelmsen
Reading Coach Mintz Elementary School

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Brain Training for Collaborative Practices

grant photo
Mintz Elementary School 
Jessica Wilhelmsen 
Students Impacted:
July 16, 2024

50% Funded



Only $990.00 Needed



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First, my goal this year is to roll out what we call “Socratic Seminars” to kindergarten through 5th Grade. This is a teaching strategy through AVID that provides students with enriching text to have conversations and build reasoning skills to help them become successful in the coming years. The lessons I’m building have to do with students understanding the most important tool they own, Their brain and the different brain states. In the first weeks of school, we will investigate the importance of “how we create various connections”. We will explore activities that show how we need to take in information by seeing, saying and doing tasks that are going to build neuroplasticity and axion connectivity (these are adult terms, depending on grade-level different terms will be used). This includes collaborative discussions, team activities to develop listening, analyzation and reasoning skills.

This is when the splitters come more into play. The splitters will allow the students to listen to one device between the students. One computer muted the other they are listening on together. However, they both have the text in front of them. During these activities the teacher will have an essential question or lesson goal that the students must be accomplishing- As we are an AVID elementary school this could include the use of graphic organizers, question stems or project creations using the WICOR structures (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading) skills obtainment structure. During this time teachers can be monitoring students and providing targeted supports and feedback to assist the learning groups. The two port slitters allow for scaffolding, ELL support opportunities and putting the dialogue onto the students while allowing the teacher to monitor engagement, output and needs. The five port splitters can be used in rotational groups while the teacher is pulling targeted learning small groups addressing standards weakness.

These little tech helpers will increase vocabulary, building student connections, increase teamwork/ conversational skills and overall increase of student ownership and engagement.

Jessica A. Wilhelmsen
Reading Coach Mintz Elementary School



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

*Increase Student Engagement
*Common Language to teacher to help students understand what Brain Training is and the step to build stamina and brain compacity to use in reasoning and problem solving.
*Low tech tools to build dialogue and collaborative strategies that teachers can use.
*Student Ownership
*Increased language as student will have more ownership in using academic vocabulary in more collaborative structures.
*Teacher differentiated support as teacher will be monitoring discussions and providing guidance and lesson feedback.  



Benefits to my students

*Increase student output as seen through engagement
*Increase stamina and reasoning skills by teaching students that their five senses benefit brain development and reasoning through active participation.
*Increase mental wellness and understanding.
*Increased reading scores as shown in iready-FAST- and Spotlight Assessments.


Budget Narrative

K-5th Grade headphone splitter 2 ports (33 Units times 10 for each class for whole group instruction use)
K-5th Grade Headphone 5 port splitter for rotational book group discussion- 2 per classroom 33 K-5th grade units.



# Item Cost
1 Headphone Splitters 33units X10=330x5.00 $1,650.00
2 Headphone splitter 5 ports 33X2=66x5.00= $330.00
  Total: $1,980.00

50% Funded



Only $990.00 Needed



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